The Field (Part 1)

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll – Greetings, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I want you to take a moment and take a breath. Now look at the reality that is before you. You sit in a dark room on a beautiful Sunday afternoon listening to a man in a chair. You’re told it is a “voice from beyond”. Indeed, it is, but is this the description that you are going to give when you are asked by a neighbor, “What did you do today?” If so, there will be a lot of eye rolling in your neighborhood.

It’s a special group that would see this event as a true message of love and wisdom from an invisible source beyond the veil. Even within this group, and from those listening in other places, there will be doubt that the message is real. This is the natural bias of humanity. You learn one way, and when another way comes you question it. There is always the question, “Is it real?” So these are the things that you are faced with, and that the Creative Source is faced with. Will there ever be a time when humanity will allow any space in their thinking for what they don’t believe is possible? Will there ever come a time when they start examining the pieces and parts of their reality that may be different than they think, which will then open the door for channelling to give information about a beautiful system?

God is the Master Physicist

I have given channels in the past, and one of them was called, “Physics with an attitude”. It describes a physics that is different than you think, because it appears to be biased – that is, not equally balanced in the linear ways that you expect. Connect the dots and use spiritual common sense for a moment. Who created physics? Who is the creator of all things? The answer is the great “I AM”, The Creative Source – God.

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The Rapidly Shifting Frequency Organization on Earth

Peter Borys, Jr. – We are now in a very rapid change of the frequency domain on Earth.  The configuration of the information and energy from the cosmos and galaxy as transduced by the Sun is assisting a human resonance with the harmonic frequency of the Divine soul.  This is part of an evolving consciousness shift to a Divine physical humanity on Earth.

divineAt this point in the shifting frequency, the collective energy of the Earth is experienced as more of a deconstructing frequency.  This is the collective frequency experience that is the current organization on Earth.  It is a fear-based conflict and separating energy that is the distortion and false perception of matter in a disharmonic 3D matrix.  Even within the overall current false perception of matter, we can open to the unitary harmonic truth beyond the veils of the inharmonic overlay.

Artificial Frequencies in a Distorting Perception of Matter

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Evolution Of Power


Changing the World Around Us

almineThe world around us can only be changed without karmic repercussions if we change it indirectly. If we try and change it directly, we are trying to force our will onto the ever changing flow of existence. This is, in the broadest sense, a form of black magic – no matter how well intended we are. There are two types of karmic chains we can wear: The iron chains of hurtful deeds, and the golden chains of good deeds. Good deeds stem from the arrogance of thinking that we can fix life.

Trying to change your circumstances directly is often not very successful. One who tries to master lucid dreaming, knows that when you try to study an object directly in the dream, you are immediately pulled into another part of the dream. The dream changes from direct focus. The outcome of scientific experiments change, depending on which scientist is doing the experiment.

Trying to change something that alters when you focus on it is therefore not effective. There are two approaches to change the environment:

1) To capture circumstances and enforce changes on it, using an external power source. This is called first ring magic, or black magic. It creates karmic repercussions because it dams up the flow of life, and because all of life is interconnected, causes stress and pain (forced change) somewhere in life.

2) The indirect approach, allows life to unfold, but eliminates those factors that cause obstruction through emphasizing something else. The shift of emphasis changes the outcome indirectly. This is second ring magic.

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Birthing New Realities

AugureyeExpress September 20 2013

It certainly seems to be the way of things that when it comes to the concept of change; the good variety takes forever while the more negative kind can and does happen over night. Change, and more importantly rebirthare the key concepts of our emergence into the Aquarian age and a new evolution for humanity. Few of us expected earth shattering events on a massive scale lastDecember 21st when the long count Mayan calendar ended, instead we saw it for what it was, the moment of conception for the rebirth of humanity.

This week marks the ninth month since that ominous date, and common consensus is that this gestation period is over. Not everyone agreeson just what this means or what may happen (of course) but most do agree we are about to witness an event of magnitude and importance. The universe rearranges itself to match our picture of reality. By example; people who are always upbeat, positive, and believe in themselves experience a much different reality than those who have poor self esteem and believe only bad things happen to them. It’s the old law of attraction at work – energy flows where thought goes.

Because reality itself is different depending upon who and where you are, it seems likely that whatever is about to occur will be perceived differently by everyone; according to belief system; and what each individual is willing to see/experience. When it comes to belief systems there is no shortage of them here on earth, and we’ve all heard it said that they can’t all be right … but why not? If the universe is considerate enough to rearrange itself to match our view of what reality is, wouldn’t you also expect it to reveal itself in a like manner, i.e. something each person was comfortable with and willing to experience? Seems logical to me, especially if we’re really the ones creating all of this reality.

Arab SpringJust because this shift of the ages is happening now it doesn’t mean that everyone is ready or prepared for it. We are not all at the same stage or level of spiritual progress after all. Our current spiritual needs are as divergent as our beliefs, and in such a beautifully complex system I simply do not believe that “one size fits all.” So, you may wonder as many are, how exactly is all this going to work? How are all these divergent and often intolerant belief systems going to manifest together all at once, without even more insanity than there is now? In the wild, when a wolf pack grows too large to remain efficient, or when there is a leadership challenge, part of the pack splits off to form a new pack structure. Reality continues for both packs…just not the samereality.

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Beings of Frequency Documentary [Video]

Lana Flittner November 27 2012

This spectacular documentary uncovers for the very first time, the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. And, how every single one of us is reacting to the biggest change in environment this planet has ever seen.

Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in.

By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.

Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronizes our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of wellbeing.

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