Amairikuhn Edgykayshun And The Menstrual Equality Act

restroomsJoseph P Farrell – Yes, you read that headline correctly. An institution of “high learning”  in Amairikuhn quackademia has decided that menstrual equality needs to be promoted on its campus(note, I said “high”, not “higher”, because I strongly suspect the people behind this idea – and I’m using the term “people” loosely here – were high when they proposed it).

And, lest one leap to what would be under normal circumstances a rational conclusion and believe that this is happening in some explosion of bloviation at Harvard square, the Rockefailure University of Chicago, or the quackademies of Nuttyfornia, think again, for not to be outdone in edublithering lunacy, a quackademy in the Amairikuhn heartland has decided that the absence of access to menstruation products in men’s lavatories could, in fact, be construed as an offense and injustice to transgendered women using the men’s restrooms on the campus of the “University” of Arkansas’ Fayetteville campus, according to this story shared by K.M.: Continue reading