Strategic Syria Policy Now Lies With Tillerson and Lavrov

Colonel W. Patrick Lang – No, we are not referring to James Comey’s dismissal (though this too, does reflect a change of mode). Perhaps we should have paid closer attention to Roger Stone, a long-time friend of the President, and his erstwhile campaign manager, who insists, and insists trenchantly, that Trump is his ‘own man’. Those who think Trump can be manipulated are mistaken, Stone says. They misread the terrain, and subsequently will find that they are mistaken. No, by ‘change of gear’, we refer rather, to the Astana-Syria talks.

In all the dust kicked up in Washington over Comey, Astana has passed largely unnoticed. But there (Astana), the ‘gear change’ is substantive and merits close attention.

In gist, Trump is willing to let Astana unfold, and to see whether it may lead to a strategic change in the Syrian situation. Two things emerge from this: Firstly, Russia and Iran are being tested by Trump. Ideological prejudices are being suspended for the moment, and both countries will be judged by their actions. (I think both states will stand content with this situation).

Donald TrumpThe second shift of mode, concerns certain (but not all) of Trump’s military advisers. The latter have been quite prominent in the formulation of US foreign policy until now.

 No more (at least in Syria). There can be no doubt — strategic Syria policy now lies with Rex Tillerson and Sergei Lavrov, who have been mandated to follow up the Astana de-escalation process.

And in the recent talks in Astana, unlike before, the US had a senior diplomat attend and observe the talks – an Assistant Secretary of State. In brief, the baton has passed from the Generals Mattis and McMaster, from the sphere of military intervention primarily, to the primacy of negotiations.

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Diabolical Russia Bashing

natoStephen Lendman – Russia is vilified for its sovereign independence, Putin’s multi-world polarity advocacy, his opposition to imperial wars, refusal to be subservient to US interests, and support for mutual cooperation among all nations.

Conservative senior Weekly Standard editor Christopher Caldwell said “he rescued (Russia), and gave it coherence and purpose.”

He “refused…to accept…a subservient role in an American-run world system drawn up by foreign politicians and business leaders.”

Russians “revere him.” He “restrained” oligarchs looting the country, colluding with Western interests. He “restored” Russia’s global standing, strengthened its military, saving the country from Western dominance.

He’s a national hero, an antidote to destructive Western policies, responsible for so much harm to so many for so long.

Relentless US propaganda has most Americans irrationally fearing and distrusting Russia and Putin.

His spokesman Dmitry Peskov called it regrettable, saying they’re victimized by slanderous fake news.

“We’re patient enough to wait until we understand what are the approaches of the present administration,” Peskov explained.

“We understand that they – the present administration – still needs time to be more precise in formulating their main ideas in terms of Russia. The Russian side is ready” to improve bilateral relation when the “American side is ready.”

It requires both sides respecting the other’s interests, especially with regard to national security.

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No NeoCons Mr Trump!

RE: No Bolton, No Abrams! No Bush Jr/Cheney Advisors Should be in your Administration.

Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD – For over fourteen years, people like myself, have been uncovering the malfeasance committed by Bush Jr/Cheney/Condi/Rumsfeld with regard to the 9/11 false flag/stand down. Do NOT listen to the casino magnate, Sheldon Adelson, Jared’s favorite consigliere, concerning who should become the key players in your administration.

Whether it was for convenience or whatever else, you and your team had asked your supporters whom we would want in our future government. Key mention was made in blogs and radio shows [including Alex Jones] that the neo-cons, whom we veterans called, chicken hawks, are completely unacceptable.

Condi, Stephen Hadley, Bolton, Abrams and the rest of the Bush Jr/Cheney administration lied to America about the need for an Iraq War. You have publicly recognized that very same concern. These neocons are like rats on a sinking ship who scurry about Trump Tower to incur influence in your administration after having signed, ‘Never Trump’ petitions!

John Bolton is a nice guy with a bad mustache. Yet, he is not intellectually equipped to develop any new strategies or tactics for an effective new foreign policy. He is like most of the neocons, an active draft-dodger during the Vietnam War, who espouses wars and conflicts ad nausea.

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