The Circumstances In Life Don’t Make Or Break You, They Reveal Who You Really Are

Inspire Me Today | May 20 2012

The circumstances in life don’t make or break you, they reveal who you really are. ~ Richard Carlson

Love, Love, Love and Love Some More

You will never regret spending more time with your family and friends and less time on other things. Practice both random and intentional acts of support and kindness. Be generous with your community in your time and your pocketbook. Keep extending yourself with gentle understanding and compassion to the world. Accept and become gentler with yourself and stop judging others for being different. See the innocence in all people, imagining them as small children and old adults. Our challenge is not to give our love only to the good and happy; our challenge is to love all beings– one and the same.

Live Presently

Live every day as if it could be your last and hold your mortality close. Knowing that you will someday die, helps you live life more fully alive and awake. In this moment, you are perfectly aligned in mind, body, spirit and authenticity. Breathe and immerse yourself in the immeasurable opportunities. Feel the source of your life! As fear disappears your ego dies a death, now you can drink from life like a sponge thirsty for all things good. In this moment, magic happens as you engage in the flow.

Live Authentically

Through the journey of self-inquiry and awareness, you will discover who you really are and will be free to shine brightly in this world. This journey of self discovery awakens your consciousness. It is not achievements, titles or accolades that matter, you are enough just as you are. You have been blessed with every tool you need to fulfill your purpose. Your purpose is to share what is inside your heart as life reveals through your passion a song to express through your example.

Live in Gratitude

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