Tucker Carlson blows lid on Democrat election conspiracy

GabbardFrank HolmesTucker Carlson is a lifelong conservative, but he’s gotten insider information that has blown the lid off the Democrat Party’s attempt to squash one of its own presidential candidates — because she’s too politically incorrect!

The DNC never wanted viewers to see or hear Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii…and they’ve pulled out all the stops to shut down her campaign.

If Gabbard were allowed to speak, she would have exposed just how out of control the party has become.

“The DNC is trying to basically send a message to the American people that they are the all-powerful gatekeepers and that they’re the ones who have the power to decide who should be considered to be our Democratic nominee or not,” Gabbard told Tucker. “The whole thing is a charade. And it doesn’t serve voters.” Continue reading