Now Playing – ‘This is not OK’ Corral

Showdown at the ‘This is not OK’ Corral nowJennifer Hoffman – As we are winding down the end of the 2022 solar year and preparing to enter a new solar year on March 20, there is a definite feeling of endings in the air. Are you feeling it? This equinox is particularly important because it is followed by a very rare Alpha Omega Portal in Aries that has only happened 3 times in the last 1000 years.

If you are chomping at the bit for some fresh energy, a fresh start, and new beginnings that are really new, you’re in luck because we are having a clear out right now as we get ready for a spectacular new year. Continue reading

Look for the Good …

loveThe Angels – As the energies of light and “forgetting-light” vie for attention in your world, you feel that tug of war in your bodies, minds, and hearts. So many of you sensitive souls feel the density of the lower vibrational energies tugging at you now, trying to get your attention and convince you that your world is going downhill. It is not.

Thanks to each and every one of you and countless others, your world is moving towards a greater light. Continue reading

October 2015 Energy Forecast: Transformation at the Speed of Light

rightLee Harris – Hello and welcome to the Energy Forecast for October 2015.

Before we get started, let’s just take a few breaths together.

(Lee breathes deeply in and out)

Transformation at the speed of light: This is very much where we find ourselves right now, as individuals and as a collective.

One of the ongoing themes for you this month will be noticing how many things you are going through in one day, one week, one month. This can lead many of you, particularly after the intensity of this past summer, to an October that’s going to require you to take a little more space, a little more stillness.

You might want to sleep and rest more than you usually do. Some of you might find that your high-intensity exercise or physical routines need to just come down a notch or two—so that you can actually learn to balance everything that is pulsing through your system without necessarily stirring the pot some more.

The electrical energy field of the planet is continually changing and advancing, which means that sensitivity gets higher. Those of you who are going through deep awakenings are noticing sudden sensitivity shifts. You suddenly become a lot more open. You suddenly feel and sense things a great deal more. More and more, this is happening for everybody across the planet.

Now, these shifts don’t always look very, what you might call, spiritual. But then I would argue that spirituality and spiritual people don’t always look very spiritual either, especially if we try to label them as highly enlightened, ever-peaceful, or ever-loving—because we are human. And as humanity, we are all evolving and going through our stuff in our growth here on Earth.

Invoking calm and quiet

With these lightning speed transformations that are raising the sensitivity, some of you will notice that you need to be a lot more quiet (in addition to needing more rest and sleep) because the volume level of everything around you is a lot higher. Continue reading