Illusion Of Time- Past, Present, And Future [Video]

Aug Tellez – Anthony puts down a lot of concepts and a lot of references. I’ve been wanting to give a run down of many videos I’ve posted for a while. This is as good, if not one of the best videos I could have chosen.These concepts are central to the understanding of the extra-dimensional universe beyond Cartesian limitations of time and space. We are not actually violating these limitations, we are studying the true space which found and determined through perception, not some externally measurable quantification.

All you have to use is a brain and a mind. Sit down and focus on the nature of time, what is required, what is contained therein and through and what is beyond the basic functioning we experience through the brain.

Here is the EBTV interview with host Evita Ochel and returning guest Anthony Peake in a dialogue about the illusive nature of time:

“Zero-Point Field, Pineal Gland, and the Out of Body Experience”

  • 3:10: Time is one of the most mysterious things to exist.
  • 4:15: Do I travel through time or does time travel through me?
  • 4:25: Everything else we know of we can quantify…There is no time to measure time against. There is no metric of time to be technical about it.
  • 5:00: Marcus Aurelius-“Time is a river.” What he had realized is the only reason we know that a river flows is because we have river banks. And it’s the river banks that tell you the river is flowing. However with time, there are no river banks, it’s just a flow. Continue reading

How To Flow With The River Of Life

Mary O’Malley – Imagine walking through the woods when suddenly you begin to hear the sounds of running water. The sound touches you like music. It calls to you. Then imagine coming out of the trees and finding yourself standing on the banks of a stream that is cascading over moss-covered boulders. Pause for a moment and allow that image to nourish you.


Why does moving water touch us so deeply? It may be because water flows! To watch a river is to see a glimpse into what Life is really like – a great river of dancing energy that has been flowing and creating for almost 14 billion years. Rivers call to us because they remind us of this flow of Life and our longing to trust it. But we have lost our trust and spend a lot of our time trying to control Life, and when that doesn’t work, we oftentimes sit on the bank, lost in our ideas about Life, and we become half-alive.

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