Is THIS The Lost Roanoke Colony?

MailOnline  December 9 2013

  • A satellite survey of area around Albemarle Sound has identified key areas of interest
  • Scientists are searching these areas using ground penetrating radar (GPR)
  • GPR measures the depth that signals travel before hitting a hidden object
  • So far, they have found a previously ‘undetected pattern’ that they claim may indicate a former colonial presence in the area
Shedding new light: In this close-up of the patch at the centre of the map, a diamond or 'lozenge', the symbol for a fort, can clearly be seen. The symbol was drawn in invisible ink and further concealed with a piece of paper glued on top
Shedding new light: In this close-up of the patch at the centre of the map, a diamond or ‘lozenge’, the symbol for a fort, can clearly be seen. The symbol was drawn in invisible ink and further concealed with a piece of paper glued on top

New radar images have shown that British colonists may have settled in a remote part of what is now North Carolina more than 400 years ago – potentially solving a centuries-old mystery.

It was never fully known where a group of 120 settlers from England ended up after they left Europe and headed to the ‘New World’. Historians have debated the fate of the so-called ‘Lost Colony’ for years – having been left with no more evidence than the word ‘Croatoan’ carved into a tree near the abandoned settlement.

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