The Chemtrail Cover-Up: Rosalind Peterson [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – After watching this video, the topic of chemtrails can no longer be relegated to the land of tinfoil hat “conspiracy theory”.

This is an extremely thorough, detailed and documented explanation of how chemtrailing is being conducted, who is responsible for it, who benefits and what the consequences are for our health and the environment, featuring Rosalind Peterson.

It was recorded in 2010 but the information will be fresh to most people, mostly due to her very clear presentation and complete guilelessness. Petersen is featured in the Independent Film, ‘Overcast’, which was released in 2014 and whose producers are still trying to garner the attention for it that it deserves. I only heard of the film last week.

Peterson grew up on a working farm and is a lifelong resident of Mendocino County in Northern California. She inadvertently stumbled across the high aerosol spraying phenomenon while working as a Certified US Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjuster in the early 1990s. Her job was to determine the cause of crop failures.

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Chemtrails, Here Is Your Proof 100% Real [Video]

Alex Alexander  March 23 2014

Rosalind Peterson confirms chemtrails/geoengineering/SRM  is very real.  The lines in the sky are not contrails. These are man made. The milky haze which lingers all day is laden with heavy metals that impact the environment in very negative ways. Peterson’s presentation to the United Nations is definitely worth a listen. ~G
