Roswell (1994) – Full Film

Alexandra Bruce – ‘Roswell’, based on the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico was a major TV movie release in 1994. Some readers may recall that in 1994, books about the abduction phenomenon by Budd Hopkins, Dr. John Mack and Whitley Strieber topped the New York Times Bestseller List, The X Files was one of the most popular TV shows and bumper stickers with grey aliens were everywhere.

Official UFO disclosure seemed imminent and it actually almost happened, according to Dr Steven Greer. In July of 1994, Greer says he was called to a New York City meeting with Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein. Hans-Adam allegedly told Greer that in 1989, he had been present at a very secret and classified UN meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev and others to organize a major UFO disclosure announcement. However, while UN Secretary Javier Pérez de Cuéllar was on his way to this secret meeting, he was “abducted” by “aliens”. A well-known account of this multiple-witness event near the Brooklyn Bridge became the subject of Budd Hopkins’ 1996 book, Witnessed. Continue reading