GM Food Causes Deadly Bacteria To Grow In Your Gut

“As research on the toxicity of glyphosate (and Roundup) accumulates, the consumer has only one option available to avoid inevitable harm: namely, avoid at all costs foods that are produced within this chemical-dependent agricultural model,” – S Ji

GlyphosateA new study titled, “The Influence of Glyphosate on the Microbiota and Production of Botulinum  Neurotoxin During Ruminal Fermentation,” confirms a growing suspicion that GM foods tainted with the ubiquitous agrochemical Roundup is causing widespread changes in the microbiome of those who consume them, resulting in bodily changes that are believed to lead to a wide range of lethal diseases.

As we reported in 2012, in an article titled “Roundup Herbicide Linked To Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria,” a growing body of research points to the world’s most popular herbicide as causing dysbios (pathogenic alteration of gut bacteria), a condition which profoundly affects and alters the so-called holobiont, or total set of organisms that make up our bodily constitution, and as a consequence, health. Because we depend on the proper selection and quantity of bacterial strains with which we co-evolved over countless eons, any significant disruption of the commensal ties to this microbial universe will result in a state of suboptimal functioning, ultimately leading to disease. Continue reading

Bad News For Monsanto – Seralini GMO Study Gets New Light

“Few studies would survive such intensive scrutiny by fellow scientists. The republication of the study after three expert reviews is a testament to its rigour, as well as to the integrity of the researchers.” — Dr Michael Antoniou

Monsanto has just kicked itself in the mouth. Soon, we hope, it will have no teeth with which to chew its toxic products!

G E Séralini
G E Séralini

The now famous “Seralini study”, as it is commonly referred to, which drew massive attention worldwide for its depiction of horrific tumors in rats fed Monsanto’s GMO corn, has become even more famous. And it packs an even stronger punch than before. Why? Because this study, which was retracted from the scientific literature, has been determined to have been wrongfully retracted.

The Seralini study was withdrawn from the peer–reviewed literature of the scientific community last year under heavy pressure from pro-biotech factions. The retraction of this peer-reviewed study created an outrage among scientists worldwide, as well as concerned people everywhere. Now, the finding of the Seralini study, while powerful upon its first release to the public, has been reinstated after further intense peer review which determined the study to be valid and accurate.

This verdict has been the hope of millions who have serious reservations about GMO products (a.k.a. the rest of sane humanity). This extra examination will bolster the Seralini study to new status and prominence, strengthening the evidence of GMO and RoundUp harm. It is fantastic news for all of us who are concerned and outraged by the toxic and wanton proliferation of GMO foodstuffs (let’s not call it food, please) worldwide. Continue reading

Email From Author Of Study On Roundup/Gluten Intolerance

JonRappoport   February 24 2014

A few days ago, I reported on a recent study of Roundup, the Monsanto herbicide, and how Roundup is involved in causing gluten intolerance and celiac disease.

I emailed one of the co-authors of the study, Stephanie Seneff (MIT), and she replied. Her comments are more than interesting:

“The complex set of symptoms associated with celiac disease are not well understood. If you take the point of view that the glyphosate [the main ingredient in Roundup] causes both the celiac and all the other symptoms, then everything starts to make sense.

“Glyphosate’s disruption of CYP enzymes in the liver is a major contributor. This explains both a deficiency in activated vitamin D (epidemic in this country) and an excess of retinoic acid (leading to infertility problems and teratogenesis). It also explains impaired bile acid production and impaired ability to process fats in the gut. And it also explains system-wide sulfate deficiency which I believe is the key factor behind all modern diseases.

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Glyphosate In Roundup Inhibits Natural Detoxification In Human Cells

NaturalNews May 24 2013

Crohn's diseaseThe modern age of industrial agriculture and manufacturing has dumped heavy metals, carninogens, plastics, and pesticides into the environment at alarming rates. These toxins are showing up in most human tissue cells today. One distinct chemical may be trapping these toxins in human cells, limiting the human body’s ability to detoxify its own cells. In a new peer reviewed study, this sinister chemical, glyphosate, has been proven to inhibit the human cell’s ability to detoxify altogether. Glyphosate, found in Monsanto’s Roundup, is being deemed by publishers of the new study “one of the most dangerous chemicals” being unleashed into the environment today.

Download the PDF of the study here:

How glyphosate destroys human cells

Glyphosate, most commonly found in conventional sugar, corn, soy and wheat products, throws off the cytochrome P450 gene pathway, inhibiting enzyme production in the body. CYP enzymes play a crucial role in detoxifying xenobiotics, which include drugs, carcinogens, and pesticides. By inhibiting this natural detoxification process, glyphosate systematically enhances the damaging effects of other environmental toxins that get in the body. This, in turn, disrupts homeostasis, increases inflammation, and leads to a slow deconstruction of the cellular system. Toxins build up in the gut over time and break down through the intestinal walls, infiltrating blood, and ultimately passing through the brain/blood barrier, damaging neurological function.

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Polluted America

Paul Craig Roberts February 24 2013

HuberIn the United States everything is polluted.

Democracy is polluted with special interests and corrupt politicians.

Accountability is polluted with executive branch exemptions from law and the Constitution and with special legal privileges for corporations, such as the Supreme Court given right to corporations to purchase American elections.

The Constitution is polluted with corrupt legal interpretations from the Bush and Obama regimes that have turned constitutional prohibitions into executive branch rights, transforming law from a shield of the people into a weapon in the hands of government.

Waters are polluted with toxic waste spills, oil spills, chemical fertilizer run-off with resulting red tides and dead zones, acid discharges from mining with resulting destructive algae such as prymnesium parvum, from toxic chemicals used in fracking and with methane that fracking releases into wells and aquifers, resulting in warnings to homeowners near to fracking operations to open their windows when showering.

The soil’s fertility is damaged, and crops require large quantities of chemical fertilizers. The soil is polluted with an endless array of toxic substances and now with glyphosate, the main element in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide with which GMO crops are sprayed. Glyphosate now shows up in wells, streams and in rain.

Air is polluted with a variety of substances, and there are many large cities in which there are days when the young, the elderly, and those suffering with asthma are warned to remain indoors.

All of these costs are costs imposed on society and ordinary people by corporations that banked profits by not having to take the costs into account. This is the way in which unregulated capitalism works.

Our food itself is polluted with antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, and glyphosate.

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