Spiritual Practices to Radically Deepen Your Experience in Nature

Spiritual Practices to Radically Deepen Your Experience in NatureLissa Rankin – After five days on safari in South Africa with my mother on her “bucket list” trip, I felt inspired to write about my practice of interfacing with nature as an oracle, using my safari experience as an example. I shared my practice with several of the safari guides and park rangers I met, and after speaking to them, I wanted to offer a few more opportunities that can help you spiritualize any experience in nature, whether you’re on safari or just going for a hike in the woods.

Not everyone can experience the immense luxury of flying across the planet to go on safari when you’re intending to have a spiritual connection in nature. My mother and I are acutely aware that we are among the privileged few who have the opportunity to do so (with so much overflowing gratitude to those of you who helped fund my mother’s dying wish. Thank you! Thank you!). Continue reading