Priest Arrested In “Demonic” Act On Church Altar

satanic ritual on altarus constitutionJonathan Turley – Rev. Travis Clark, 37, has been arrested with two women, Mindy Dixon, 41, and Melissa Cheng, 23, after an alleged sex act on the altar of his church.

New Orleans Archbishop Gregory Aymond said that the tryst at Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church was “demonic” and has ordered the altar removed and burned. If true, this was an act of utter depravity and a terrible desecration of this church, but the prosecution could raise some challenging issues under the Constitution.

Police report that a witness was surprised to see the light on in the church and went to investigate. The police were called when Clark was seen through a window at the altar. He was partially undressed in his priestly attire and allegedly engaged in a sexual tryst with two high-heeled, corseted women.

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