Stanford University fellow Henry Miller exposed as academic prostitute for Monsanto

gmo industryMike Adams – A long-time science propagandist for the GMO industry, Henry I. Miller has just been exposed as an academic prostitute for Monsanto. Named a “Robert Wesson Fellow” covering so-called “Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University,” Henry Miller has just been exposed as a science fraud and professional liar who shills for Monsanto, one of the world’s largest producers of agricultural poisons and toxic seeds.

The discovery of Henry Miller’s science fraud has even appeared in the mainstream media. As explained by CBS San Francisco:

The documents, which include internal emails and memos, reveals among other things, how Henry I. Miller, a Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, allowed Monsanto to ghostwrite an editorial he published in and claimed as his own in 2015.

The 2015 editorial attacked the decision by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a branch of the World Health Organization, to classify glyphosate as a probable carcinogen.

For two years, Miller was believed to be the writer of those words. But now, emails between Miller and Monsanto employees show the company wrote the piece and Miller added a couple of words to it prior to publication.

In other words, Henry Miller was lying all along, and is once again exposed as a propaganda rag for Monsanto. Continue reading

Satanic Reality

“Pragmatically speaking, I like the fact that the masses vote, abuse drugs, believe in Jesus, follow sports, and worship a flag. They are tools of social engineering that keep the many sedate, pacified, and out of many people’s hair (chiefly, my own).” ― Matt Paradise, Bearing The Devil’s Mark

The satanic fabric of society

consciousnessElva Thompson – Our so called ‘civilised’ society is built on a monstrous Lie. It is not humane or advanced, it is a cold blooded, satanic hierarchical system built on the suffering and blood of mankind and the animal nations. All life forms on this planet are under attack from a perverted and insane consciousness; a debased mind set that has descended into a bestiality far below the innocent realm of animal instinct.

All of us that do not speak out against barbarism and cruelty in all its manifestations, are complicit in the ongoing destruction of our planet and its creatures. Sadly, many of us have become carbon copies of impostor consciousness, perverse in our thinking and blind in our ignorance and insensitivity. We play into, and give credence to a satanic system of debt, political choice, medical fraud, mind numbing fake news, planetary despoilation… and, are in effect, accomplices and co-conspirators of inequality and oppression.

Nothing happens by accident

The violent events that happen in this world are not accidental. They are carefully crafted scenarios, hatched by the criminally insane, the thirteen satanic families of the coven, and their political enforcers. In the double speak of evil, war is peace; liberation is enslavement; help and relief are hindrance and exploitation, and education is the ignorance of falsehood.

Black Magic

The thirteen elite families are practicing black magicians.

They know the laws that govern this dimension, and are aware of auspicious astrological times of power. They use planetary alignments and conjunctions to enhance financial crashes or to start a war. They do nothing by chance, being creatures of ritual and repetition. They have duped, drugged and distracted us with the sensory stimuli they constantly apply through their ‘entertainment’ outlets, and, even though we may be aware of their plot to take over the world, many feel helpless in the face of such blatant evil and corruption. Continue reading

CERN & A Short Course In Demon Management [Video]

cernThe Hadron Collider now functioning in central Europe could be either the ultimate science experiment or a catastrophic world destroying danger to all mankind.

CERN shows many faces; a public presentation of competent scientists peeling back levels of knowledge, a symbolic representation (shown in the short film Symmetry) seemingly describing an opening of a time/space portal to another dimension and a hidden agenda to harvest anti-matter for nefarious purposes. All of these (faces) agendas are likely true.


This week World Beyond Belief (WBB) looks at all of the purported purposes and links the activities at CERN with the satanic control system’s agenda for world domination under a Lucifarian new world order. The satanic agenda and the lucifarian agenda are shown to be two component parts of the overall plan and how they work together is explained. The PC ends with a little advice; hints on demon management, which turns out to be good advice even for non-demon, infested times. Continue reading