The United States of America is a Satanist Country

Katherine Frisk – Some time ago, Putin described the US as being Satanist. In Who’s ‘godless’ now? Russia says it’s U.S., Putin is quoted as saying:

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”

Most people in the West did not take him seriously. Also note that being “godless” in the eyes of Russians, does not only apply to Christians. Russia has an enviable tolerance for all religions, and both Islam and Buddhism are neither maligned nor persecuted. Putin opened the new Mosque in Moscow last year and the head of the Russian armed forces is a Buddhist. He was not talking of only Christian values.

Religious tolerance also means respect for other people’s belief system, and that does not include Puzzy Riots on altars, chopping down crucifixes in church yards, blowing up ancient Buddhist statues or chopping off the heads of Shiite Muslims because they refuse to join the murderous Wahhabi Sunni faction.

So before we laugh at Putin and his statement, Agnostic, Atheist or whatever you may be, please understand that the point I am trying to get across is that you do not have to be religious at all, you do not even have to take sides, but if you look at the social, economic and political outcome of those who follow Satanism, covertly or openly, the fruits of this psychological mindset becomes evident.

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Sean Stone Interviews Peter Moon ~ Satanism, Scientology & Occult Overlords [Video]

The connections between the Church of Scientology, worship of Satan and the nuclear development projects of the post war period are discussed in a very wild conversation with Peter Moon.


Time travel, mind control, the Nazi fascination with occult ritual, and the vampiric orgies of an evil overlord are discussed in a talk that traces the influence of Aleister Crowley through science-fiction, to the hierarchies of religion and power in the present. For those interested in the influence of the occult and dark ‘magick’ on society, this Buzzsaw hosted by Sean Stone is not to be missed.

Peter Moon was born in San Fernando, California and grew up in both Southern and Northern California. Interested exclusively in athletics in his early years, he became interested in creative writing, science fiction, and science during his high school years.

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Illuminati Human Cloning Immortality [Video]

Mind Control and Occult Knowledge – Who are the Illuminati? Are they Satanic? Will they have everlasting life with human cloning?


Source Freeman Fly  June 18 2014