Understanding The Significance Of Your ‘Saturn Return’

saturnAlanna Ketler – Whether you are familiar with astrology, planetary alignments and the impact they have on your life or not is basically irrelevant, it still effects you and your life in some way. Sometimes a little insight can actually be hugely beneficial in helping you understand why you may be struggling, confused, or it feels like everything’s just not working out. Perhaps you are feeling quite joyous and successful — well, astrology can often explain that as well.

Even if you have no interest in these concepts, or don’t believe in them, you might still be interested to continue reading to see how the return of Saturn may have affected you, has been affecting you or will affect you in the future!

The Saturn Return is when the planet, Saturn, comes back to the same place it was aligned in space at the time of your birth. This process takes around 29.5 years, which means the effects of this alignment are typically felt in the late 20’s and the impact can be felt into the early thirties. Generally, between 27 and 30 is when this event will be most significant in your life. Continue reading