What’s Up With That Glowing Orb Thing? Did Antarctica Just …

saudi arabiaJoseph P Farrell – Ok, after speculations on quiet “warfare” taking place between the USA and Germany, and weird correlations with the Churchill-Lord Halifax moment of history, Version 2.0, it’s time to get down to high octane speculation and weirdness once again.

Last Thursday on the News and Views from the Nefarium, I reviewed Thierry Meyssan’s excellent analysis of the recent Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, a meeting which by his accounts was the first in its long post-war history to exhibit genuinely deep divergences of analysis of the world situation, and what to do about it.

To greatly oversimplify Mr. Meyssan’s analysis, he thinks two basic factions were arguing it out at Chantilly: a pro-Islamic terrorism faction, and an anti-Islamic terrorism faction. The “pro” faction, representing a significant portion of the British Deep State, wants to continue the western policy of covert support of radical jihadist groups as a means of installing terrorist puppet governments in the region, and continuing, from behind the scenes, the western domination of the region and its resources, never-mind the consequences of such forms of Islam on the many people who have to live under such regimes.

The “anti” faction, conversely, wants to end that policy, and sponsor measures to reform the ideology, and hence the region and its stability, and bring it into more genuine “partnership” relations.

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The Refugee Crisis – Who Is To Blame?

Katherine Frisk – With the recent Brexit vote and the French election next week, the refugee crisis raging across Europe needs to be fully examined. In all things and in solving all problems, we have two choices. To deal with the symptoms or to deal with the cause. Without dealing with the cause as a first priority, a cure, a solution can never be found.

middle eastThe flooding of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East into western countries; the trauma, poverty and suffering; the camps which leave a lot to be desired; human trafficking and sex slavery which have resulted as byproducts; narcotics trafficking and organ trafficking; an increase in terrorist bombings as well as an increase in crime, sexual harassment and rape in Europe… the cause of this humanitarian disaster has not been addressed.  Only the symptoms of social and political upheaval for people on both sides of the Mediterranean.

“Politically correct” has blinded many as to the real cause on both sides of the argument.  Most Europeans are not racist bigots and most Muslims are not extremist Muslim Brotherhood Wahhabis. Those in the middle who are the majority have been buffeted on both ends for political and  economic advantage that is not in their own best interest and have been caught up in a whirlpool of chaos.

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Strange Messages From The Middle East: Part 1: Russia

strangeJoseph P Farrell – In case you haven’t noticed, there have been a couple of strange – in fact, very strange – messages coming from the Middle East in the last few days. And for once, they didn’t come from the perpetually strange and bizarre (out)house of Saud. While I’m tempted, because of the strangeness of these statements, to wonder if someone might be slipping a little LSD into the water supply in Damascus and Baghdad, that convenient explanation, unfortunately, will not work in these instances, since the populations of Damascus and Baghdad, American lamestream media biases notwithstanding, do not appear to be “tripping.” Since the LSD-in-the-water-supply hypothesis will not work in these instances, I am required to fall back on our trademark high octane speculation.

Unfortunately, these statements are so strange and bizarre, particularly given the context and geopolitical situation in which they were made, that I will have to treat each of them in a separate blog, so today’s “part one” is about the strange Russian statement, which was noticed and shared by many regular readers of this site, to whom, of course, I am grateful for bringing it to our attention:

General Konashenkov: Russia will take down any unidentified flying objects in Syria

Now when something appears on The Saker’s website, I tend to sit up and take notice, for it’s one of the most respected websites on the internet for presenting and arguing events from the “Russian point of view.” And this consideration brings us chin to chin with General Konashenkov’s strange comments in a press briefing, and a message targeted specifically and directed to Washington: Continue reading