It Is Time To Remember

vaccinesJames Gilliland – We are going to take another trip in the wayback machine to refresh the memories of those who are critically thinking, research impaired suffering from acute denial and cognitive dissonance. When the big chemical companies brought out DDT despite the warnings and sprayed it on everything including the children the “authorities’ said it was safe, a miracle solution nothing to worry about.

They created nuclear energy as the new clean energy, ignited nuclear bombs without even knowing the consequences telling us just get under the desk and put newspapers on us to protect from fallout. Now the planet is riddled with nuclear dump sites, ticking time bombs. We even pay the people responsible billions to clean up their own mess of which they have failed miserably. Continue reading

The Agenda – Kill the Middle Class

middle classBrooks Agnew – The Made-4-TV virus has dominated all of our lives in recent months. Although tens of millions of Americans contracted the disease, less than 25 thousand people without comorbidities died of it.  The Trump Economy was roaring and showed signs of ushering in an age of prosperity that the Middle Class had not seen in 100 years.

This was their chance to buy a house, start a business, pay off debts, and secure the American dream, no matter what country they lived in.  The Global Syndicate has one enemy, throughout time.  That is us.  Within days of the most sweeping trade agreements with China ever were signed, the M4TVV was unleashed on the world.

Someone made a phone call.  Within hours, 187 countries began locking down healthy citizens and shutting down their economies.  It was like a Great Depression was ordered up and delivered whether people wanted it or not.  No one could resist.

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Tens of Thousands of Austrians Rise up Against ‘NWO Lockdowns’

lockdownsNiamh Harris – Tens of Thousands of Austrians are rising up against a globalist plot to strip away the rights of millions of citizens by imposing illegal lockdowns across the country.


Protestors flooded Austria’s capitol on Saturday over the government’s harsh coronavirus restrictions.

Austria’s Krone newspaper reported that around 15,000 people attended the Saturday rally. Protestors held placards reading “Kurz must go” as they chanted slogans calling for the resignation of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Continue reading

The Great Fear Machine of 2020

fearPaul Rosenberg – The events of 2020 were unique in human history, and so I think it’s important to give them some perspective. What we experienced was the first televised plague. What it spawned was a unique fear machine.

Fear delivery systems go back to the first tyrants, of course, but this one featured a scale and an intimacy that went beyond all others, even those of the vile USSR.

The plague itself, COVID-19, was minor as such things go. The flu of 1919 was far worse, not to mention historical plagues that made this one look like a case of the sniffles. Nonetheless, it was enough to spawn something unique. So, briefly, let’s look at the pieces that came together: Continue reading

Tyrannical Gov. Newsom panics as Recall Becomes ‘Inevitable’

NewsomNiamh Harris – California Democrat Gavin Newsom looks almost certain to be fired from his job as Governor as the recall effort nears its goal of 1.5 million signatures.

Newsom, a deeply disliked Governor, has seen his approval numbers plummet to historic lows as the coronavirus pandemic ravages California.

Even liberals are fed up on Newsom’s draconian lockdown orders. But it’s not just the pandemic that liberals and conservatives are angry about. Incarcerated criminals, and Russian, Chinese, and Nigerian scam artists sole up to an estimated $31 billion from taxpayers by bilking the state’s unemployment office, filing fraudulent claims. Continue reading