Things Ridiculed By Conventional Science – But Which Are Said To Be True

Paul A Philips – Science is great for distinguishing fact from pure fiction. However, certain scientists indoctrinated into the various hierarchical trees of academia or research and development have the habit of turning a number of scientific principles, theories and tenets into ‘indisputable facts’ — in spite of evidence to the contrary.

Some of these ‘indisputable facts’ have had some serious challenges from outstanding scientists with their outside-the-box thinking. Bringing us new ways of looking into things they have had a tough time having been met with ridicule or invalidation from the scientific establishment and its conventional science.

Don’t get me wrong, indeed there have been and still are many crackpot ideas. However, having said that, here are 7 things ridiculed by conventional science but which are said to be true.

1. Junk DNA

DNAAccording to one study it has been found that we use around 8% of our DNA  (previously it was thought to be 3-5%). Thus, science spends its time looking at this 8% subset, how it encodes for proteins involved in body construction… while the rest is described as ‘junk DNA.’

However, a number of Russian researchers begged to differ with the junk DNA viewpoint, believing that nature wouldn’t be so wasteful: In biology almost every structure exists to perform a function and junk DNA should be no exception.

So the researchers set out to investigate whether or not the junk DNA (link) was doing anything and they came up with some very interesting results. These experimental findings by Dr. Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues can be briefly summarized.

  1. DNA sequencing follows the same basic rules and principles used in language formation (syntax, grammar, words and sentences…) Thus, it is not inconceivable that DNA sequencing and the‘language of genes’ acts as a blueprint for speech development.

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Why Anyone Who Questions the Safety of GMOs is Labeled Anti-Science

monsantoChristina Sarich – How do you continue to push GM crops on a population that has overwhelmingly voted against them in poll after poll? You start a campaign similar to the one the tobacco industry began in the 1920’s with the help of Edward Bernays to discredit any naysayers and even put doctors in commercials smoking cigarettes. You also do whatever it takes to buy out ‘real’ scientists and call those into question who inquire about the true safety of GM foods. You label them anti-science and discredit their credentials.

As states:

“First, there has been a tendency to label anyone who dislikes GMOs as anti-science — and put them in the anti-antibiotics, anti-vaccine, even Luddite category. There is, of course, nothing scientific about the comparison. Nor is the scholastic invocation of a “consensus” a valid scientific argument.

Interestingly, there are similarities between arguments that are pro-GMO and snake oil, the latter having relied on a cosmetic definition of science. The charge of “therapeutic nihilism” was leveled at people who contested snake oil medicine at the turn of the 20th century. (At that time, anything with the appearance of sophistication was considered “progress”.)” Continue reading

Leading Scientists Believe Up To Half Of Research-Based Literature Is Simply Untrue

researchCarolanne Wright – In a perfect world, research science would have unlimited funding, free from corporations or special interest groups, where all studies would be truly objective and unbiased. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Financing by private companies, or those who have a vested interest in the outcome of the research, often leads to biased conclusions which favor the sponsor of the study.

Take for example a pharmaceutical company paying for a new drug to treat depression. When the track record of such research is examined, we find studies backed by the pharmaceutical industry tend to show partiality toward the drug under consideration, whereas research sponsored by government grants or charitable organizations is prone to draw more objective conclusions.¹

In a similar fashion, research financed by the food industry often favors the food under investigation compared to inquiries that are independently sponsored.²

Bad research science

“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.”³ ~ Linus Pauling, PhD, and two-time Nobel Prize winner. Continue reading

Former EPA Scientist Speaks Out Against GMOs

Christina Sarich – A former senior scientist from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been speaking out against GMOs, but his voice is especially noteworthy among the many scientists who talk about genetically modified organisms. Why? Because he studied the impacts of altered crops on the environment.

Ramon Seidler, Ph. D. // Photo credit:

Dr. Ramon Seidler’s credentials are nothing to sneeze at. He was a professor of microbiology at Oregon State University for 16 years before he worked at the EPA. He holds many honors, too, including being listed by the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England as one of the 2,000 outstanding World Scientists of the 20th Century.

During Seidler’s tenure at the EPA, he (along with other scientists) conducted GMO experiments that were contained in indoor environments. The experiments were meant to mimic what happens outside, just as if a farmer had planted a GM crop in Idaho, Michigan, or California. The gene transfer capabilities and survival rates of genetically modified seed were observed. He also observed transgenic DNA and Bt toxin products in agricultural ecosystems.

What he and his scientific peers found was that GE bacteria survived for years in soil, even after it was removed from the plants.

The former professor states that GE crops provide no significant increase in crop yields, but do pose several other major concerns: namely cross-pollination of non-GM species, and negative impacts to the environment. He calls these ‘side effects’ of broken biotech promises. Continue reading

Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking And Bill Gates Now Repeating The Same Urgent Warnings For Humanity First Issued By The Independent Media Years Ago

scienceMike Adams – Elon Musk warns that artificial intelligence may spiral out of control and give rise to self-replicating machines that destroy humanity. Stephen Hawking mirrors the same warning with even more dire language about the future of human civilization and its survival in the universe. Bill Gates warns that a killer flu pandemic could wipe out a substantial portion of the human race, spreading uncontrollably across the planet and causing widespread fatalities.

What do all these dire warnings have in common? They’re things that I and many other people have been warning about for years. While I posted a very specific warning list in 2012 (see below), there are people who were WAY ahead of me on these warnings. Steve Quayle, in particular, warned about the risks of biological weapons two decades ago. Some scientists, too have been warning about the rise of AI since the dawn of personal computing in the 1980’s. Similarly, anti-nuclear activists have been sounding the alarm on the dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear power since the dropping of the first two atomic bombs in World War II. Jeffrey Smith has been warning about the dangers of GMOs for many years, and observers of atmospheric tinkering have been warning about the risks of atmospheric experiments since at least the 1990’s.

What’s fascinating is that the mainstream media doesn’t consider any of these risks to be “real” until someone like Elon Musk points them out. When Alex Jones warned in the 1990’s that the federal government was spying on your phone calls — a fact we now know to be verified as factual and true — he was called a wing nut conspiracy theorist. Regardless of what you think about Jones today (he’s a polarizing figure in New Media), he was dead-on right about this point, and he was over a decade ahead of his time in warning the public.

Hilariously, the Electronic Frontier Foundation now warns: Continue reading