Concerned About CERN: This Time It’s An AI…

Artificial intelligenceJoseph P Farrell – I’ve been writing off and on on this site, and in one of my books (The Third Way), about my concerns about CERN and its Large Hadron Collider. My “scenario” of wild high octane speculation with respect to the organization and its multi-billion dollar toy has been two-fold:

(1) that the collider is as much about higher dimensional physics as it is about particle physics, and that as such, it might introduce effects in the planet itself, or possibly even the Sun, through hitherto unknown resonance effects, and

(2) that if it was intentionally, though covertly, exploring such effects, that it would have to have, by dint of the case, a massive computing power to do “data correlations” of collider activity with seemingly non-related events: solar activity. terrestrial magnetosphere behavior, even aspects of aggregate human behavior like markets and so on.

That computing power is known and admitted by CERN. In fact, much of that computing power consists of programs – algorithms – to scan the billions of particle collisions occurring in the collider, and selecting those interesting enough for scientists to examine. Continue reading

Scientific American Bashes GMO Labeling As ‘Unscientific’

“Public health lawyer Michele Simon agrees that the Scientific American piece had a familiar ‘biotech policy’ ring to it. In an email, Simon said, “It reads like the biotech industry handed Scientific American its talking points.”” – C Sarich

GMOFreeFloridaUnbiased science has clearly gone out the window when it comes to the GMO discussion. A somewhat recent pro-GMO editorial in Scientific American takes aim at labeling laws for genetically engineered foods, calling them “unscientific.” But proponents of non-GMO food and people’s right to know are saying that Scientific American is the one without a scientific leg to stand on.

The debate is over an article in the September 6th edition of the magazine wherein the editors claim that ‘it would be unsafe to give consumers the false impression that GMOs are unsafe.’ This comes at a time when labeling laws are being considered in 20 different states. The editors go on to say:

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has tested all the GMOs on the market to determine whether they are toxic or allergenic,” the editorial states. “They are not.”

Before I retort with the obvious – that the U.S. FDA is completely corrupted with Monsanto and biotech’s funny money, and therefore have no right to declare GMOs or any other drug or product as safe – have the editors not read the reports of numerous other scientists, including individuals from the biotech industry who say that GMO foods are highly toxic and incredibly damaging? Genetic engineers Dr. John Fagan, Dr Michael Antoniou, and researcher Claire Robinson have released a very exacting study of just how toxic these GE crops are – perhaps they should have a look-see. Continue reading