Federal Accounting Now Meaningless & Frightening [Video]

fittsGreg Hunter – Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says the federal governments made $21 trillion in “missing money,” discovered in late 2017, a national security issue the public is not allowed to find out where the money is.

Fitts explains, “There is a big study we published at Solari.com. If you go to the annual wrap-up on DOD and HUD ‘missing money,’ we have a whole piece on FASAB Standard 56, and it explains how it works. Essentially, what it says is there is a secret group of people, by a secret process, that can take a portion of the financial statements on the books and make them secret.

You cannot know what a secret is and what is not.  So, when you look at financial statements at the Department of Defense, essentially, they are meaningless because you don’t know what has been cut out.

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