Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, August 9, 2016

seeCrescent Moon in Scorpio: perseverance, dedication

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart, Goddess Who Calls Forth the Inner Hero

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  be attentive during today’s “class”

True Alignments:  creativity, imagination, observant and attentive, looking for the details, the power of “x-ray” vision, inner strength, mystical, observable data, alchemy, ancestry, progress, perspective, finding joy, discoveries

Catalysts for Change:  bouncing around, false stories and narratives, trying to win sympathy, disclosing too soon, inertia, confusion, insecurity, grief and loss (this is attempting to come to resolution), denial, indecision, suppressing feelings, disconnected, repeating a self-destructive pattern

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “an evening lawn party of adults” (grow up time/grown up time)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” *(transcending, rising above, adventure, mystery, magic, hope, wild rides)

Today on the Magic Carpet Ride of Astrological/Natural Year 2016-17 we learn something that enables us to choose a different way in order to prevent/interrupt a repeat of the past.

The Sun (the divine being Sabaoth, according to the ancients) and the Earth (the aeon Gaia Sophia, according to the ancients) are our teachers every day, but they are especially instructive today.

The Sun is discharging the energetic of “a chemist conducts an experiment for his students.”  We see all of the elements, conditions, or circumstances of a situation, but we see how we can change those up to have an entirely new situation.  This would create a new experience of life.  How can the elements of a situation (or state of mind or a state of heart) be shuffled, recombined, and therefore renewed?  What do you want to change?

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