Stages Of Spiritual Awakening We All Go Through

healingSimon Segal – Spiritual awakening comes in its own perfect timing and with the purpose to help us advance to the next level of consciousness that will allow us to face new challenges and grow even bigger.

The truth is, everyone wakes up at their own given time, in the right moment, and under the right circumstances. This means that you can’t force someone out of the ‘sleep’ of this dimension unless they are ready to move on to the next level of understanding.

In fact, we never sleep – we are just facing the appropriate reality which vibrates with our consciousness in such a way that we will come across the challenges we need to face. Spiritual awakening just opens up a door to new possibilities and a complete change of the perception we have been used to so far.

So, what are the stages of awakening that we all go through once it starts its course? Continue reading