Kimberley Record ~ The Self-Esteem Diet: Simple Daily Guidelines

self-esteemI was inspired recently to write up a different kind of diet. As a nutritionist and health coach, I’m passionate about eating nourishing foods and living a healthy active lifestyle. But there have been times in my life, and it still happens occasionally, when my commitment weakens and I could easily slip into bad habits if I don’t pull myself out of my funk quickly.

Looking deeper, I recognize that my habits are highly correlated with my self-esteem, and the choices I make on a daily basis are based on how I feel about myself (and my experience tells me that this is a natural part of being human). So when I notice that I’m slipping out of my good supportive habits, I immediately put some pratices in place to help me get back in the groove – which is the basis of my self-esteem diet.

The Missing Piece

My belief is that most people know intuitively what their body needs to feel good, and the reason they don’t do what supports them has very little to do with lack of knowledge. Most people know that fresh, whole, natural foods are good for you, and refined, processed foods are not. Most people know that physical activity is crucial for good health, and being sedentary is not. But if everyone followed the basic guidelines, we wouldn’t have the overweight and obesity rates that we currently do, and the diet industry wouldn’t be the giant that it is.

There’s a foundation missing, and no one is immune to it. There are so many distractions in our environments that can pull our focus away from who we are and what we want to accomplish. We can easily become disconnected from ourselves if we don’t have the proper structures in place to maintain a strong foundation, which is our core self-esteem.

Important Note: No two bodies are alike. Therefore, a huge aspect of lifting your self-esteem and setting your foundation is to learn what’s best for YOU. No diet book or menu plan can tell you that. You can certainly learn great information through them, and try things out to explore your best solutions, but it’s important to remember that the best food and lifestyle habits for you are the ones that make you feel the best and give you the most energy. Truly listen to your body, and it will not steer you wrong. The higher your self-esteem, you better you will be able to listen to it. Continue reading

Healing With Happiness

Simion  January 1 2014

happinessspiralSimion through Amariah Mara ~ We are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective. Having explored the potential causes of what ails you as suggested in a previous transmission, you are now free to heal yourself with happiness! We have decided that if we are to relay only the most important message for healing, it is that happiness heals everything. And as simple as this sounds it is the answer to what ails you, and it is completely in your control. Your happiness is not found somewhere outside of you, or once you get to some goal, or have some item. Happiness is found right where you are in this given moment and is the key to the success of any remedy. No matter what is wrong with you, and no matter what the cause of it, you can cure it by allowing yourself happiness to sooth away your pains and sorrows.

There is heaps of information in these words and they offer the cure for it all, and only you can make it happen. You are all ill in some way or another, whether it be physical, emotional or mental, and it can all be cured by your decision to allow yourself to be happy. The happiness cure is already inside every cell of your being and is the inherent state of your soul. All the symptoms of pain and of emotional distress are results of you denying yourself the happiness you have within and of your potential to create it in your life every day. No excuses and no exceptions apply. No matter what happens to you, there is still a place of happiness within, and you have the power to find it.

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The Seven Essene Mirrors

Essene | August 20 2012 | Thanks, Annette

Sun reflecting the sun

We live in an action/reaction world known as the Plane of Demonstration where consciousness creates reality. We manifest and magnetize people and events into our lives according to our consciousness.

The Seven Essene Mirrors is a way of understanding how this process works. We can use what seem to be negative experiences as stepping-stones to healing and empowerment. “When life rolls boulders, build stairs.”

FIRST MIRROR reflects to us that which we are. It is something we ourselves are doing or where we ourselves have been in error or wounded.

SECOND MIRROR reflects to us that which we judge. It is something we have an emotional charge with, something we have either been wounded by in the past and have not forgiven. It is good to discern; however if we judge and condemn with an emotional charge, we will attract exactly what we judge into our lives.

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