June Message: Shore up Your Mosquito Net

timeDana Mrkich – Have you ever had trouble getting to sleep because of a single mosquito buzzing around? For something so small, it can be very loud and completely disrupt your peaceful night! How did it even get in? They find the smallest gap in your window, door or flyscreen, and in they come!

Your energy field is the same way. Your ‘inner house’ may be relatively secure, shining brightly after years of cleaning and clearing, when all of a sudden an issue raises its head. An issue that maybe you feel you dealt with years ago, or have looked at a hundred times. This issue suddenly seems SO loud and out of place, and can make you wonder if all those years of inner healing did anything at all?! Well, the reason it seems so loud and out of place is because it IS now out of place. Continue reading

The Power To Heal Ourselves Is Increasing

placeboJacob Devaney – New studies are showing that placebos are becoming more effective in treating illness. Researchers are perplexed by recent studies that have placebos performing very well compared to new and experimental pharmaceuticals.

Meanwhile the science of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is echoing what mystics and shaman have been saying forever which is that we have untold powers to heal ourselves!

Spirit and science converging

This coming together between the spiritual and scientific communities shows an unprecedented opportunity for humans to embrace vibrant, healthy, thriving lives. Continue reading

Self Love and Self Healing

Self LoveDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This week we have the Sun moving into Aquarius. We also have another kind of bunching of planets and some strong influences for both healing and for love influences.

So my suggestion for this week is Self Love and Self Healing. Give yourself a little bit of personal pampering time. Do something fun – maybe make a healthy meal, take some time for pampering your body, go get a massage, that kind of thing. So the energy is good for it. Continue reading

Are you Self Healing or The Healer?

healingJennifer Hoffman – Every lifetime has a soul mission for healing and a life purpose designed to bring closure to the healing cycle.  Every healing path mirrors your soul’s desire for wholeness, to release pain and trauma so you can know joy and peace. The release of soul groups and karmic cycles is the focus of your healing journey so that you can be complete with your karmic cycles and soul groups. You enter a lifetime for healing and to heal yourself into wholeness but when you see yourself as the healer for others, you lose the focus of your self healing purpose and become a purpose for others.

This healing purpose draws you into karmic cycles that cannot end because they are not your cycles, they are the pain and trauma that others have created for themselves that are their own healing journey. Each person is their own healer and no one can heal another. Once you shift from your purpose of your healing journey to become a healer you step onto someone’s path and lose the empowerment that is only available on your own path.

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Self-Healing: Proof It Works And 9 Key Steps To Doing It Successfully

painPaul Brundtland – Countless people who have suffered from years of pain, discomfort, and limited physical ability have found complete healing through mind/body re-education. Many of these people have seen resolution in remarkably short periods of time.

Medical doctors such as John E. Sarno (author of Healing Back Pain, The Mindbody Prescription, and The Divided Mind) and Lissa Rankin (author of Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself, and The Fear Cure) have documented case upon case of people who have healed various illnesses through re-education and psychologically-based means. Continue reading