Inner Security Is What We’re Going For Here

Zen-Haven June 21 2013

SecurityHave you claimed the authority to take a seat within your inner self and be that which you are? Inner security is what we’re going for here, and to get to the inner, we’ll need to start with outer security, move on through insecurity, and arrive at inner security.

I enjoy reading blogs, and just yesterday I came across a comment that defined the ego as misidentification of self. That’s a pretty good description, and a good lead-in to a discussion of outer security. I think we all know, deep down, that there is no such thing as outer security even in highly controlled systems or highly controlled lives, and yet we strive for it every day and in every way.

I’m recalling a man I knew who identified himself as a banker. He accumulated as much money as he could, projected an image of success, adhered strictly to his religion, ate very healthy food, and liked to go on ten-mile runs. He knew who he was, and he seriously controlled his life in order to maintain that identification.

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The Extraordinary Gift of Inner Spaciousness

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Beings

consciousnessHave you ever looked at the stars at night and been utterly amazed by the infinite spaciousness of this Universe? Just as you notice the vast expansiveness of your outer world, this same spaciousness exists in your inner world. This inner spaciousness is where you can finally rest and find inner peace. You may have noticed that your mind is always thinking, thinking, thinking. It constantly lives in a narrow contracted state, always projecting, interpreting and holding onto a random selection of thoughts and ideas. To bring the mind into harmony you need something extremely spacious and infinitely peaceful to balance it out. This balancing agent is the experience of pure consciousness. Whenever you access a state of pure consciousness you begin to shift from living up in the constant thinking machine of the head, to resting in The Source of pure awareness in your Heart. By learning how to abide in the heart of Consciousness, you’ll tap into one of the most Divine, expansive, spacious, and precious experience a human being can have.

“When calm your mind and your senses, you become conscious of your always-present inner Self.” ~Remez Sasson

This vast spaciousness can be instantly found when you practice resting in the space between your thoughts. The more you can relax here, the easier it is to deal with everything life throws your way. When an emotional situation arises, you are able to sit back, give it some space to percolate, experience it, and then let it go! Everything you do throughout your day becomes easier when you live with a “spacious awareness”. This does not mean you’re becoming more of a “space cadet”, you are actually being MORE present to what is happening in the here and now. You are genuinely happy and can experience just about ANYTHING that is happening without getting upset or triggered. The spaciousness also allows you to feel a sensation of timelessness, so that you can relax when facing a deadline, and find peace no matter what pressure life’s agenda may have on you. With the gift of spaciousness, you’ll naturally become a more centered grounded human being who is able to observe your experience, rather than be desperately driven by the reactive ego-demanding personality.

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