Merging The Higher And Lower Selves

selfMorgan Lee – Since the 1st of March 2018, when many experienced either consciously or unconsciously significant embodiment, expansion, or a leap in consciousness, most are becoming aware of experiencing a major alignment or merging of the higher self and the lower self.

This is creating some moments of major confusion for some. Times of bliss, joy and happiness in flow one moment, and shifting into total doubt or anxiety the next. Often wondering what on earth is going on. Like living in 5D for a few days, only to fall into 3D wondering if everything experienced so far, was even real at all.

It can also feel like having two programs or software running alongside of each other. The old programs still trying to run the show, at times and the new program/ software slowly taking over. Continue reading

Embodying Your Higher Self

selfGustavo Castaner – We are now able to connect with that part of ourselves more than ever as we expand in consciousness and vibration. Upon awakening spiritually, one of the first tasks at hand will be to connect with that part of yourself within you, the higher self.

The Higher Self is the blissful superconscious higher mind part of ourselves that is the expression of Divine Love, spiritual wisdom, and creative power.

During spiritual awakening, our personal consciousness grows to become aware of the greater parts of ourselves. We can also experience physical changes and effects that is coming over us in stages, such as ringing in our ears, blemishes in the skin, greasy hair, lower back pain, anger, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, and mode swings. We can also experience that the time seems to move faster the biological clock is running faster due to activation of new strands of DNA.

We may feel energies, intuition increasing, and even psychic knowledge. We are raising our energy vibration and spiritually purifying ourselves to embody more of our Higher Self – the eternal Soul aspect of our being. Full spiritual realization and enlightenment occurs when we attain the conscious experience of blissful union with the Source of Life and all of creation. Everything is One and we are home!

Here are some results from embodying your higher self:

Higher Sensory Perception

Your intuition is developing at a rapid rate. Other higher senses like clairvoyance and clairaudience can also be turned on. These higher senses allow you to access information and wisdom that otherwise would be unavailable through the use of your rational mind. Harmonious lucid dreaming and out of body experiences are also ways to access higher dimensional information. Continue reading

Relationships And Your Sacred Union

timeAA Michael – Beloved masters, the refined frequencies of the New Age are having a profound effect on how you view yourselves. As you learn to take back your power, set boundaries, and reclaim a sense of self-worth, it will also have an intense effect in your relationships with others, especially romantic relationships.

In the past, you have had many unresolved issues that created what could be called imbalanced or vulnerable blemishes in your emotional body and chakra system, especially chakras one through four. You had many unresolved issues within you in the form of guilt, fear, anger, a sense of abandonment, and of being unlovable. All of these thought forms have a vibrational frequency, and you radiated those frequencies of unworthiness out into the world.

See these energies radiating forth in front of you and all around you in an Infinity Sign, whereby they are picked up by those who are resonating to the same frequency levels, and thus are drawn into your life in one way or another. Unconsciously, you attracted to you those who were also coming from a viewpoint of neediness. You hoped they could fix everything for you and make you happy, but in reality all this kind of relationship creates is more friction through feelings of lack and an inner sense of unworthiness. In the past, most relationships were based on physical attraction, which usually fades rather quickly if there is not more depth to the attraction.

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Assess, Reset and Strengthen

selfMaureen Moss – Last month I wrote The Pace Quickens … and it did. It was a tough month. On many days it was an overwhelming month…conflicting, emotional, insistent, new and old thought-provoking and weary-making. It was all that and a power and potential surge, along with being one of fascinating awareness.

Now it is important to get your bearings for this next couple of weeks before the next highly active heart-centered passage into a more stabilized liberated state of being and creativity picks up momentum towards the end of the month.

Breathe. Take a good and loving hold of yourself and let the energies settle. Gently clear away fall-out from last month, tend to your body (and frayed nerves,) notice what new awareness’s/Truths you have discovered about your self and your Self, and shore up or set up a stabilized field in which to integrate them.

Using your inner eyes and heart have a look at you as You are becoming. Feel you as You are becoming. Use these next few weeks to assess, reset and strengthen. And, have some fun!

It has been hell being who we are not for countless lifetimes… or even a few… and then being pushed and shoved blindly and for years now, into becoming, transforming, reclaiming, revaluing and orientating to this unfolding, united and whole true version of our Selves while simultaneously learning how to lovingly safeguard this Self so the other version of ourselves is incapable of derailing it. Give yourself some LOVE.

Your Evolution

This evolution and conversion to return to the Galactic/Source/God of our Selves while in a physical body is so far beyond our perception of it, or the writings or tellings of others.

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Journey to the Center of the Self

Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langston – With the energetic theme for 2017 set in motion by the New Moon in Capricorn (December 29), this week’s Full Moon in Cancer (January 12) marked a huge shift in our emotional reality, which is now noticeably beginning to set in as the new lunar cycle unfolds. The whole year of 2016 was an intense time of emotional purification and, as we venture into 2017, we are beginning to find and create our place in the ‘new world’ taking shape all around us, from this more pure energetic space.

But that doesn’t mean this is an easy process. Indeed, the shift has truly hit the fan! We are on a journey to the center of our individuated sense of self and, right now, we have choices — to either remain stagnant in the duality of lower frequencies, or make decisions that support our universal evolution, even if it means choosing a challenge or jumping into the vast unknown.

Let’s look at the major astrological alignments that are currently reflecting our evolution…

Pluto and the Sun in Capricorn Square Jupiter in Libra Square Uranus in Aries

Setting the backdrop for Thursday’s Full Moon was the huge Cardinal Cross alignment, involving 3 major planetary energies — the outer planets of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. Currently, Jupiter in Libra is opposing Uranus in Aries and both are being squared by Pluto, which is conjunct the Sun in Capricorn, and all of the signs involved contributed energetic aspects to Thursday’s Full Moon in Cancer, giving us a very powerful Cardinal Square effect that continues to resonate.

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