Entering The 4D Emotional Plane Mystery School

emotionsThe Arcturians – Now that you have completed your journey through the Lower Astral Plane Mystery School, you continue your journey by entering the Emotional Sub-plane along your journey through the fourth dimension.

As you make your journey, be sure that you leave “bread crumbs” so that you can easily recognize the pathway that you have created. This fourth dimensional pathway will expand into a road, then into a highway, then into a freeway as you repeat this passage again and again.

Remember that you are clearing out the “bottleneck” between the third and the fifth dimension. As each of you dear, inter-dimensional travelers, repeat, and repeat again, your conscious journey through the fourth dimension, you clear your own residue from your myriad incarnations and/or visitation to planet Earth.

Unfortunately, you were often leaving lives filled with fear, anger, sorrow and pain. Because that was how you felt in that incarnation, that was the residue that you left behind on Earth and in Gaia’s fourth dimensional aura.

In the journey you are taking NOW, you are prepared with unconditional love and violet fire so that you can clean up what you left behind in other incarnations. We appreciate that often you are clearing the astral remains left by others, and we deeply thank you for this service. We are pleased that you have evolved far enough beyond your human ego that you can think only of dear Gaia and not worry about what is “fair” for you to clear.

The cleaning crew at the end of a huge party is not concerned about who left what mess. They know it is their job to clear all the mess. They take pride in their work and want to return chaos to order. However, you will not be clearing chaos, as it is a necessary ingredient for great change.

Instead, you will transmute that which is the third and lower fourth dimension to create a clear passageway for the many ones who will traverse this “road” back home to their fifth dimensional starship, planet and/or reality. You see, they/you are not going Home. They/You are returning Home to your true SELF in the higher dimensions of reality.

Your “tour of duty” on third dimensional Earth is almost completed, so you are clearing the way for yourselves and the many others who are NOW remembering that their own state of consciousness is their personal Starship.

However, all the lower consciousness emotions have blocked their journey back into the reality of fifth dimensional light and unconditional love. Hence, as members of our “Galactic Cleaning Crew”, you are called upon to transmute these fearful emotions into loving emotions.
You will begin your task with your self. First you will pave your way through your own fourth dimensional aura, clearing and transmuting as you go. Then you will return to Earth and begin again. The second time, you will clear and transmute the fear-based emotions of ALL life on Earth. Continue reading

How To Be Self-ish Without Being Selfish

selfJennifer Hoffman – When I was growing up I heard ‘Don’t be selfish’ a lot from my mother. As the oldest child in the family, I always had to share everything with my siblings and cousins. And when I didn’t feel like sharing I was called ‘selfish’. So I learned that if I wanted to focus on myself I was being selfish and that was a bad thing. But if we don’t learn how to be self-ish, meaning to own our power and to be in our own energy, then we never develop a strong foundation of self identity, self control, and self awareness. Things have changed, it’s selfie time and becoming more self-ish actually makes us more powerful, fulfilled, and whole. Isn’t it interesting that we can actually take ‘selfies’, photos of ourselves, at a time when taking care of our needs and being self-ish is required on this next part of our journey.

There’s a way to be selfish that is not the bratty way where we insist on being the most important person in the room, in ways that exclude everyone else’s needs or wants. We become self-ish without being selfish through self awareness. When we’re self aware, we know what we need and channel our energy into creating those outcomes for ourselves. We are in a state of receiving, not taking, and we are consciously creating our reality, step by step, outcome by outcome. In fact, it’s when we aren’t allowed to be self-ish, or take care of ourselves,that we become selfish, as a response to never having our needs met.

As our needs are always met through our energetic intention, which also allows them to be fulfilled in miraculously creative ways, we connect with others at the point of fulfillment, and not from the point of being needy. So we are always whole and complete, which creates feelings of confidence and joy in us and that expands into other areas of our life. Taking care of ourselves, maintaining strong energetic boundaries, being clear about what we do and don’t want in our reality may be something others call selfish, but being truly self-ish, taking care of ourselves, is the only way to manage our energy. Continue reading

The Awakening Of Society Is Just As Important As The Awakening Of Our Self

Phillip J. Watt – Spirituality is a very personal affair regardless of the various pathways or disciplines that one may follow. Yet even though there is an abundance of avenues for spiritual endeavor, there is generally a universal agreement on the principle of unity.

“If reality is unified, then we must also accept that everything is essentially equal.”

There are many ways that one may be introduced to this philosophy. We may have been brought up around it via our family. We might have had a profound revelation in a one-off experience. Some are initiated through ongoing paranormal activity. Others just intuitively feel it. Altered mind states could have been the catalyst. A gradual or instant revolution could have occurred in our mind where synchronicity deposed coincidence. There could have also been an influence by assorted texts and teachings which infer this similar conclusion. For most of us, uncovering the wisdom of unity most likely occurred via a combination of channels.

“Transcending the illusion of disconnection is a personal path.”

Regardless of our beliefs, and the series of events or informational resources that led to our personal awakening, our fundamental understanding is unity. We are each a part of a complex integrated whole, and our external environment is a reflection of our fundamental nature, including what is in harmony with us and what isn’t. So, irrespective of how peaceful we have set up our internal environment, if we truly want to experience peace, we need to transform the outer world – the collective mental and physical landscapes that we inhabit. If we are all truly unified, we have a responsibility as part of this awakening to continually heal and grow our internal and external worlds.

“The personal awakening is synonymous to the collective awakening.”

A Global Metaphysical View

Unity can be used as a universal term to describe the outcomes of various fields of thought. Examples include: Energy; Mind; Consciousness; Holographic universe; Light; Love; Spirit; the Source; the Field; the Akashic Field; the Zero-point Energy Field; Quantum Field of Possibilities; the Collective Unconscious; Undivided Wholeness; Nirvana; One; God etc. If these are all equal to each other in terms of their agreement that a unifying principle exists, then we have arrived at an agreed global metaphysical position which incorporates both our rational and intuitive hemispheres.

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Zen Gardner ~ The Inner Workings Of Reality

SubQuantum Bridges Over the Mind-Brain Gap

The Brain is One Type of SubQuantum Information Interface for Self ~ Spirit. -Dr. R.N.Boyd, PhD, and Dr. A. Klein, MDD, ECAO aff.

We have to be guided by the facts, and if the facts seem incredible, as they often do, we have first of all to assure ourselves that they are facts, and then explore what those facts actually mean, without intellectual prejudice.” ~Sir Oliver Lodge.

quantumNobel Laureate (Physics) Richard Feynman once said: “If your theories and mathematics do not match the experiment, then they are wrong.”.

Our present contribution to the consciousness-related dialogue currently running in the “Waking Times” periodical has been triggered by Brandon West’s thrilling, recently published paper (Jan. 9, 2015), “The Nature of Mind and the Holographic Brain”.

We strongly support his conclusions. We extend these foundational understandings into a vastly more comprehensive and novel approach, regarding the inner workings of what is actually Sentient Reality. The SubQuantum approach to Consciousness has been developed by the authors of this paper through a decade of research-team efforts, experiments and observations. The resulting SubQuantum-based peer-reviewed works are all rooted in empirical, reproducibly observable, actual facts (rather than unsupported assumptions, beliefs, or speculative fantasies, or imaginings, or theories). (See: http://worldwithinworlds.yolasite.com/publications-and-research.php , for example.)

Conceptual turning points

Our physical world has long ago been demonstrated to boil down to vibrating interactive energy patterns, which operate in various Force and Field domains which are described in the forms of carefully checked mathematical expressions. Energy is considered to have a quantified nature, implying discrete (separate equally-sized bundles) energetic behaviors in its dynamic properties. Orbital jumps in atomic structures are such discrete events, which are resulting in the appearance of “sudden” energy Quanta. Until now, these Quanta have been treated as irreducible units of energy, which appear to pop up in zero time, as “random” events. Continue reading

Look For Outcomes That Will Expand You

Life_JapaneseGlyphIn the life journey many choices design the path of your experience. If one were to to question any individual soul while incarnate, the first answer would be a desire of well being and abundance.

A feeling of abundance, however, is often elusive to most. Searching for this balance outside of the self can be frustrating.

“If I only had more money.”

“If I only had a partner.”

“If I only get this opportunity.”

The “If factor” (The list goes on and on…) possibly can eliminate the ultimate goal or balance within, as the condition of “if” puts the power of creation outside the self. Feeling the need of an additive can create havoc in the internal awareness of one’s energy

Perhaps a more streamlined internal examination can create the atmosphere of choice in a more powerful way.

Choose to create choices from a soulful perspective without any conditions. Continue reading