Selfish or Self-Full

maryMary O’Malley – Most of the time growing up, I lived in the same bedroom with an older sister who I experienced as a bully. She let me know through her words and actions that I was a bother, that I was less than her and my needs didn’t matter.

I have healed most of the stories I took on while undergoing that kind of daily heartache and pressure.  One of the core ones was that I was less than everybody else. I now know I’m not less than nor am I better than anybody else. I am simply who I am and that is enough.

Another deep wound I took on during that time was that I was stupid. I had a B+ average in high school but she was salutatorian of her high school class and graduated summa cum laude from college. With those kinds of accomplishments, she let me know over and over again that I was not her equal. And I’m not. I don’t have the academic intelligence she has but I finally realized I carried the kind of intelligence that truly makes a difference in life and that my intelligence is heart savvy. Continue reading

How To Be Self-ish Without Being Selfish

selfJennifer Hoffman – When I was growing up I heard ‘Don’t be selfish’ a lot from my mother. As the oldest child in the family, I always had to share everything with my siblings and cousins. And when I didn’t feel like sharing I was called ‘selfish’. So I learned that if I wanted to focus on myself I was being selfish and that was a bad thing. But if we don’t learn how to be self-ish, meaning to own our power and to be in our own energy, then we never develop a strong foundation of self identity, self control, and self awareness. Things have changed, it’s selfie time and becoming more self-ish actually makes us more powerful, fulfilled, and whole. Isn’t it interesting that we can actually take ‘selfies’, photos of ourselves, at a time when taking care of our needs and being self-ish is required on this next part of our journey.

There’s a way to be selfish that is not the bratty way where we insist on being the most important person in the room, in ways that exclude everyone else’s needs or wants. We become self-ish without being selfish through self awareness. When we’re self aware, we know what we need and channel our energy into creating those outcomes for ourselves. We are in a state of receiving, not taking, and we are consciously creating our reality, step by step, outcome by outcome. In fact, it’s when we aren’t allowed to be self-ish, or take care of ourselves,that we become selfish, as a response to never having our needs met.

As our needs are always met through our energetic intention, which also allows them to be fulfilled in miraculously creative ways, we connect with others at the point of fulfillment, and not from the point of being needy. So we are always whole and complete, which creates feelings of confidence and joy in us and that expands into other areas of our life. Taking care of ourselves, maintaining strong energetic boundaries, being clear about what we do and don’t want in our reality may be something others call selfish, but being truly self-ish, taking care of ourselves, is the only way to manage our energy. Continue reading