What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate

“Instead of simply operating from belief and programming as we do today, we could strip that away and create from a space connected with our hearts and true selves, something I believe would drastically change our world.” ~J Martino

J Martino – Meditation is becoming very popular lately. Perhaps it’s the anecdotal evidence friends are sharing with each other or the fact that more and more science is coming out to confirm the benefits of meditation that it’s encouraging people to take up the practice. Meditation has shown to decrease stress, increase happiness,quality of life, increase gray matter in the brain, making people more compassionate, lowering blood pressure, increasing memory and more. A great series of benefits from such a peaceful practice. Continue reading

Understanding the Nature of Beliefs

Zen-Haven June 13 2013

By reviewing beliefs and feelings, you begin to understand how to use the Universal Law effectively. It is natural to yearn for the impossible and, in so doing, you establish strong beliefs about what can be done and what cannot.

You can jump a certain height and no higher, run at a certain speed and no faster, accept a certain position and no better.

Because most commercial aircraft fly at about 600 miles an hour, the shortest time in which you can get from New York to Paris is about six hours. Those are facts in the collective unconscious. But what if we told you of a man who could move his body many thousands of miles in just a few seconds?

Your mind would scan its memory banks and draw a blank, whereupon you might think, impossible. Then perhaps you might review all the scientific data available and conclude that this feat is unachievable.

All scientific knowledge and current thinking are products of the same collective unconscious, and just the fact that a billion people have no concept of a man moving three thousand miles in a few seconds makes it impossible. But the billions of people are wrong.

There is a dimension, right here on the earth plane, in which such a feat is possible, and there are a few people alive today who know of this dimension and use it. It is a matter of perception and belief.

Your ability to work miracles is predicated entirely on how easily and quickly you can give the collective unconscious the slip. It is your attachment to the collective unconscious, or world belief patterns, that holds you back.

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Opening Your Third Eye

Simion the Evolutionary Collective | November 1 2012

consciousnessWe are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective. You are at a pivotal point in your evolution as human expressions now on Earth. Much has been developed to prepare you to make change in the coming years with this time of December 2012 before you as an eye opener. The real question is will it open your eyes? And what eyes will it open for you?

The last couple of decades have been a period of escalation for opening your physical eyes to seeing the illusions and veils placed before you that have caused you to live in a mist. Many have begun to brush away that mist, or have entirely done so, and are able to now see that nothing is as it appears to the naked eye, nor to the minds interpretation of what it sees in the world, or has been told to see in the world.

That was the first step of the human species awakening process. If you are still going through this phase, no fret, it is a process of removing the layers of illusion and may come in spurts and will accelerate. If you are well past this stage, you may be asking, “so what now?” or “what is to be done about it?” Most will pass a phase of anger until they recognize that this only feeds the demons of illusion.

When this is realized, one also sees that all of this illusion is created and perpetuated by your thoughts about it. This is when you begin to think of what you really want to see in the world instead of dreading what you do not want to see. This is the first step of change, and it begins with each of you. Many light workers are already well on their way to adding thoughts and vibrations to the world they wish to see. Sometimes they fail to perpetuate it in their own life, but they forge on. Those that forge on past December 2012, will begin the real work of creating a fresh reality.

Given that most of what you are familiar with as human beings thus far is an illusion, it is no easy task to see beyond to something new. How do you see something new when your eyes only know the past sights that you have been taught to see? Even the best light workers may have a difficult time transcending to a new vision, even though they know intuitively that there is more to see.

We will tell you now that it is time to prepare for a new type of vision. The vision of the famed third eye. That is right. You all have heard of the 6th chakra and of the 6th sense that allows vision beyond the limits of your physical senses. It likely has seemed more surreal to you than real, even if you have had glimpses of psychic ability. The entire consciousness of the next dimensional awareness sees from an expanded third eye. The third eye is more than you have been taught or can even know with intellectual contemplation.

EarthThe third eye sees beyond the polarity of the third dimension. In the fourth dimension, where your third eye will see clearly, you will transcend the limits imposed by the seeming separation of opposites. This new vision is able to fuse opposites into the consciousness of One. It is not simply that all the shades of grey between black and white are seen. It is that black, white, and gray are understood to be from the same light source in various stages of dimming the inherent light within. Once this is truly seen, your vision of everything changes.

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Riding the Wave

Sarah-Jane Grace | March 2 2012

consciousnessThere is a strong sense of shift and movement on just about every level of consciousness at the current time. As we continue to feel a collective and growing sense of emergence, new life and new possibilities, it seems that through the shift and chaos, we are beginning to find our feet.

The waves of energy that are now flowing freely and quite rapidly feel quite cohesive, but there is still a sense of scattering and chaos for we have reached a point where a myriad of different energy flows and streams of consciousness are coming together to form a more complete Whole.

In daily life we can feel connected and clear one moment, but lost and alone the next. Tears can flow unexpectedly and then in the next instant we can feel a sense of bliss and euphoria. Confusion flows into clarity, and uncertainty flows into certainty; with such a mish-mash of energies it is no wonder that we can feel totally overwhelmed and puzzled as to what is actually happening! Sleepless nights, churning thoughts, deep and profound lethargy (which goes way beyond tiredness) all bring to the surface issues and memories, pain and patterns that we may have long considered ‘healed’ or resolved. We are faced with our pain and fears in one moment, and then peace and clarity the next!

If we take a step back, we may be able to see that all of this chaos is part of a careful ‘plan’ of evolution and awakening. Yet, whilst we are in the middle of it, it is hard to see anything much at all.

As the streams and flows of consciousness continue to merge and come together, we can feel stuck in a maelstrom of undercurrents and eddy’s which can both confuse and exhaust, and whilst we can see the peace that lies ahead, the journey to this point is quite frenetic and hard to handle. It is akin to layer upon layer of different currents merging; at first, they pull this way and that, but eventually, they come together in perfection. Whilst we can know that perfection is coming, riding the chaos is somewhat challenging!

Of course we have a choice, we can fight the currents and try to hold fast, clinging to what we know; or we can have faith and trust enjoying the ride and knowing that every single experience makes us stronger and wiser.

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The Crysto-Electric Auric Manifold Effect & Auric Effects of Air Travel

AA Metatron via James Tyberonn | January 24 2012

consciousnessMASTERS, as humans in duality you have become so filtered from your true identity that you no longer recognize your creatorship. Truly your are immortal beings of the Divine. Your are nonphysical. That you term the auric field is much closer to your actual essence than the biological clothing you temporarily wear.

In kind the sub-conscious MIND, not the ego-brain, is your greater identity. But Masters, know that you are in physical reality to master the lessons of physical duality world. To learn your creatorship, and maintenance of the non-physical energy termed the aura is the base, the cornerstone of optimal physical existence that allows for forward progress on your path.

An optimal aura can have at its beckoning, an inexhaustible force of energy. That energy is a projection of and from the Divine Self, the Integral Self that you can and will , in time, learn to express physically. That energy held in storage in Mer-Ka-Na is first passed into an intact Auric Field. When it carries that energy, it is the very essence of creatorship. It is the magic stardust of Merlin’s wand. It is the petrol, the gas in the creation tank. So know that the tank must not have leaks in order to take you very far in the physical reality in which you dwell.

Your Senses Are Projectors Not Receivors

All of your senses, all of your chakric centers are mechanisms of mental creation, thought-particle- accelerators that create , indeed that form all that you sense around you.

The fact is your senses are not developed to enable awareness of a pre- existing material world, but rather to actually create it. Indeed everything you sense is a manifestation of your individual and group ‘ thought construction’.

The core problem humanity has in comprehending this great Truth is due to the fact that you believe the amazing imagery and sounds you physically sense pre-exist in a 3d world whether you sense them or not. They do not. Your chakras and senses not only interpret what you see, smell, taste, touch and hear, they are the very creation tools you utilize in creating and manifesting them into material expression.

Taking & Holding Your Power

And while it is a complex process, that we will not further detail in this channel, we tell you that thought energy, creation energy is converted and fed into the Crysto-Electric Field (CEF) , or Human Aura and held there for utilization. It is uniquely the empowering fuel for physical manifestation.But it must be ‘held’, it must be contained for flow.

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