Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose and Remember

plantsSayer Ji – Modern science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom of the ancients: plants possess sentience and a rudimentary form of intelligence.

Plants are far more intelligent and capable than we have given them credit for. In fact, provocative research from 2010 published in Plant Signaling & Behavior proposes that since they cannot escape environmental stresses in the manner of animals, they have developed a “sophisticated, highly responsive and dynamic physiology,” which includes information processes such as “biological quantum computing” and “cellular light memory” which could be described as forms of plant intelligence.

Titled, “Secret life of plants: from memory to intelligence,” the study highlights one particular “super power” of plants indicative of their success as intelligent beings: “There are living trees that germinated long before Jesus Christ was born. What sort of life wisdom evolved in plants to make it possible to survive and propagate for so long a time in the same place they germinated?”

According to the researchers, plants “plants actually work as a biological quantum computing device that is capable to process quantum information encrypted in light intensity and in its energy.” This information processing includes a mechanism for processing memorized information. For example: “Plants can store and use information from the spectral composition of light for several days or more to anticipate changes that might appear in the near future in the environment, for example, for anticipation of pathogen attack.”

According to the study, “plants can actually think and remember.” Continue reading

Waking Up The Self in a World That’s Asleep

Ego Phillip J Watt – We’ve all heard the buzz about a collective awakening occurring on our planet. It is true that people are increasingly disconnecting from the mainstream-matrix, which dominates the mentality of the masses, and learning new ways to think and act. Much of this focuses on understanding the external realm, such as the truth about corrupt power structures, the fraudulent monetary system and other injustices of the world, yet we’re waking up other aspects of the self too.

The biggest internal shift is the philosophical shift, backed by revolutionary science which has emerged from specific disciplines. Essentially, reality is fundamentally connected, with consciousness [is] making a comeback as the core fabric of reality. However, this knowledge has been lived and breathed for many centuries in various tribal traditions and spiritual systems, so really it’s a rebirth on both a rational and planetary scale.

Furthermore, there are other changes that individuals are creating within themselves too, particularly in terms of health. This doesn’t just apply to physical and mental health either; energetic, emotional, creative, intellectual, social and behavioral health all have their place in this transformation.

It is waking up these aspects of the self that I discuss in the video linked at the end, but first what follows is a rationale for embracing our ego, instead of rejecting it.

The Death of the Ego-Death

To wake up and take better care of the various layers of our health, we need our ego intact. There’s a new/old age belief that we need to kill the ego, however on closer inspection let’s hope it’s only referring to a small aspect of what the ego really is. I loosely used to be part of the ‘condemn the ego’ movement, but not anymore. As ideas no longer make sense to me I have evolved my view, including this one. Continue reading

The Question Of Consciousness

Brendan D. Murphy – Etymologically, the word consciousness derives from the words scire (to know) and cum or con (with). Consciousness is “to know with.” So if you, the persona, cognize (to know or be aware of), who are you cognizing with? Is there more to consciousness than the Freudian ego and unconscious?

Mathematical physicist Roger Penrose has written:

“A scientific world-view which does not profoundly come to terms with the problem of conscious minds can have no serious pretensions of [sic] completeness… I would maintain that there is yet no physical, biological, or computational theory that comes very close to explaining our consciousness or intelligence.”[i]

consciousnessIndeed, in the past (and even today?) some scientists had taken the absurd position that consciousness is an illusion. This, while providing a nonsensical reason to ignore the problem of consciousness, obviously fails to sate the curious inquirer’s queries regarding how we got here and what we are doing here as conscious beings. Since the dawning of the Age of Reason in the 1700s, materialistic philosophy as we know it—derived from the mechanistic worldview—has steadfastly maintained that what we call experience arises solely as a by-product of the brain’s internal workings. No brain, no consciousness.

But is it really that simple? What about functions of consciousness that appear to transcend the cranial boundaries of our heads?

The Age of Reason said that these forces had only ever existed in man’s imagination; only reason could show man the truth about the universe. “The trouble was,” according to Colin Wilson, “that man became a thinking pygmy, and the world of the rationalists was a daylight place in which boredom, triviality and ordinariness were ultimate truths.”[ii]

The Age of Reason glorified the rationalist, who, enamoured of his endless linear cogitations, was blinded to faculties of consciousness that actually transcended them: faculties that would have allowed him not to merely philosophize about deeper levels of reality, but actually access them. “This is the great tragedy of modern man,” wrote occultist, philosopher, and composer Dane Rudhyar. “His much acclaimed scientific spirit frees him of the compulsions of subrational and subconscious states of mind, only to bind him to an empty rationalism and a quantitative analytical intellect, both of which actually entomb him in a sarcophagus filled with only the mimicry of life. This sarcophagus is the ‘megalopolis’—the monstrous city.”[iii] Continue reading

Do Atoms Understand Language?

“The idea that somewhere in all the stacked-up universes, there might be a little corner that isn’t made out of matter or energy, but is truly independent of, and different from, sub-atomic particles…this idea confounds people, as if it might mean the end of all existence. It might mean a return to the old myths and fairy tales of the horrific priest-classes. It might mean everything science knows will vanish in a puff of smoke. But what if it doesn’t mean any of these things? What if it means that brutal power and domination could die out? What if it means there is an adventure waiting for all of us, beyond any and all pictures of conventional reality?” (The Underground. Jon Rappoport)

Do atoms understand language?

Why ask such a question?

Because it goes to the heart of the slow-motion car crash that conventional physics has been experiencing for the past hundred years.

The question also puts philosophic materialism into a massive dither, from which it can’t hope to recover.

Conventional physics asserts that the universe is made entirely of particles. Atoms. Quarks, wavicles.

The universe includes the human brain.

Here is a sentence: “The Roman Empire collapsed, ushering in a Dark Age, a time of unprecedented chaos.”

Continue reading

We Have Arrived At The Dawn Of The Unknowing

“There may be a perception by some that in order to have a massive consciousness shift to the point where a person becomes Self-realized, there has to be a great deal of knowledge and information concerning concepts and ideas of higher levels of reality. Fortunately, this is not the case . . .”  – P Lenda

EarthFrequencyThere is a move towards seeking to live in harmony with nature, as was once the case, and not to treat the natural world as an enemy or something to be exploited. There is a shift to an integrated, holistic, interconnected, and transpersonal way of living, and away from the individualistic mentality that stems from a belief in separateness. There is transformation from the self-centered and ego-dominant individual to the selfless and unity-oriented being. There is a shift from the competition-based mode of operating in society to the cooperative-minded means of operation. All these shifts are occurring right now and will continue to occur if consciousness continues down its current path of positive progression into the higher echelons of being-ness.

Humanity is at a defining point in its history and it has the choice to shift its collective consciousness away from the egocentric ways of old towards the unifying and selfless ways of the possible future. If such a definitive shift does not occur, we may not be able to reverse the presently occurring problems within the environment, global economies, and world cultures. If humanity chooses to collectively come together to work cooperatively so that these problems are averted and rectified, the future will indeed be a bright one. There is not much time left to make the choice that will define whether we survive and thrive, or degrade and disappear.

The choice is a serious one, but a light-hearted approach can be taken towards it. Staying positive overall is the main aspect of this shift that should be remembered. With an overall positive outlook on life and reality, this positivity will be magnified and radiated throughout the collective transpersonal consciousness of humanity in a butterfly effect of epic proportions. This shift is for the benefit not only of the individual localized field of consciousness of each person on the planet, but of the collective and unified whole of humanity. Continue reading