The Months Ahead

timeMaureen Moss – As always, I pray you are well.

The pace quickens as another month falls behind us and our former selves fade further and further into the belonging to another time. Even memories appear to be suspended in another timeline as we insert ourselves into the presence of now, with far more ease.

As challenging (if not close to the razors edge) as life has been for most of us, it is apparent that grace stands very close to us now.

You may have noticed the quieting of your thinking mind and the increase of pure awareness coming to you… or that distortions of the outer world have less impact personally, though compassion comes more easily, as judgment fades.

Perhaps you’ve noticed normal tendencies and typical interests fleeing in lieu of curiosity emerging for something new… or that your attention and fascination has turned toward the emergence of your New Self, and away from lamenting what was?

Emotional resonance is being usurped by vibrational and soulular resonance and response. The scattered psychology of the human system is breaking down, while the absolute qualities of our One True Self emerges.

The end is near as humanity is catapulted out of captivity… waking up at warp speed now and to be continued through the end of 2016 when the 3D matrix… the 26,000 year template of humanity ends.

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There is no separation, there is only a dream of separation

godJohn Smallman – Here in the spiritual realms we watch in awe as so many of you continue to hold the intent to be loving in every moment despite the chaos, conflict, and confusion you see across the world and that some of you are also experiencing in your personal lives. You are living in very difficult times, times that you willingly and enthusiastically chose to live in because of your intense desire to assist in humanity’s awakening.You are highly honored for what you chose to do and are doing, and, of course, you are, in every moment of your eternal existence, lovingly held in complete security in the infinitely powerful arms of God. Please continue to maintain your loving intent.

Within the limited awareness illusory environment in which you are doing your work you can really have no idea of the enormous power of the Tsunami of Love, the energy field that you are each personally creating and intensifying in every moment of your lives. It is what you have been doing since you incarnated in this lifetime, even as small children, and that you are continuing to do with your constantly held intent for humanity to awaken. Humanity is awakening, and because of your loving efforts the moment for attainment of that goal is close . . . far closer than you can possibly imagine.

Many of you may well be saying to yourselves as you read this “Yes, how many more times am I going to hear this? I’ll believe it when it happens!”

Well, it is your personal intention, the personal intention of each and every one of you that is bringing it about. You are all members of a massive worldwide team of Light bearers and Light workers who have been striving diligently for a number of decades now, and your efforts are about to pay off. Trust your intuition, your inner knowing, where you absolutely do know that you are delivering the goods you came on Earth to deliver. You cannot fail because what you are doing is God’s Will and yours linked together in perfect harmony. Continue reading

Unity Versus Separation

separationOwen K Waters – The eternal theme of human history on Earth has been that of good versus evil. We generally define good behavior as that which is unselfish and supportive. Evil, its opposite, is then defined as behavior which is self-serving at the expense of others.

Underlying these opposing definitions is a common principle, that of separation. Long before the time that original consciousness adopted human form, all forms of consciousness knew that they were one, that they were part of an interconnected whole. This is called unity consciousness.

Originally, humans were consciously connected to nature and also to each other, just as animals are today. For example, after the enormous tsunami that hit Indonesia in December 2004, massive numbers of dead humans were found, but no dead wild animals. All of the animals had been aware of the impending disaster and headed for higher ground.

The news media reported that a group of normally-docile elephants tore their retaining stakes from the ground and ran uphill toward safety, trumpeting warnings for others to follow. As soon as the tsunami struck and started to recede, the elephants returned and used their height and strength to rescue children from the flood waters and carry them to higher ground.

At some point in human history, we decided to explore the concept of separation. We wanted, not just physically separate bodies, but a real sense of conscious separation from other people, the universe, and the Divine.

Already, we had separate individual souls, spirit bodies, and physical bodies. We decided to go all the way and be born with no conscious connection to each other. In other words, we would be, for once, truly separate and independent entities while in physical bodies. Continue reading

We Are The Change

“Only a full union with the God Presence of your True Self is powerful enough to transmute the ages of pain and misinformation that has been recorded within the memory grid of every human being. The Divine Compassion of Mother/Father God is making it possible for centuries of misconceptions to be transmuted and lifted out of the hearts, minds and bodies of humanity. This great act of Divine Grace is creating such a massive shift in consciousness that for the first time in thousands of years, it is possible to embody one’s Presence or Christ Self. Only the Presence has enough Divine Love, Power and Wisdom to create the changes that need to take place within the overall consciousness of your world, and it is through you as conscious Lightworkers, that this can now become a working reality and not just a hypothesis founded in the dreams of a few hopeful aspirants.” ~ The Ascended Masters within Shamballa

oceanCenturies of living in separation from your God Presence or Christ Self have kept the illusion of disempowerment alive in most every heart across your world. When we speak of power, we are not referring to power over others, yet rather the authentic power of Source that is stored deep within every being. This internal power is there to support each of you in being true co-creators with Source so you can be the change you would like to see taking place around your world.

True and meaningful changes are always in alignment with the Divine Crystalline Blueprint for both humanity and the Earth. When all you think, feel and manifest is directed at expanding unconditional love, true peace, and an ongoing sense of harmony on the personal and collective levels of consciousness, then your creations are in alignment with the Divine Blueprint for your world. Continue reading

The Science Of Entanglement & The Illusion Of Separation

“. . . shedding beliefs that are erroneous at their core—which are ALL beliefs—because only experience is real. “Peace is not a belief.  It’s a home we have never left.”” – Francis Lucille

energyCurrents1With great gratitude I found myself with like-minded scientists and thought leaders at this year’s Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND) where a common ground was sought between neuroscientists, physicists and the consciousness community. This year’s theme was “Entanglement” and recognition that “when science drills down into the core of even the most solid-looking object, separateness dissolves, and all that remains are relationships extending throughout and possibly beyond, space and time.”

What is so interesting about SAND is the confluence of the nondualists who simply attribute EVERYTHING to consciousness without a need for science, and those among us whose minds still seek “answers” and for whom a scientific “explanation” makes things land more deeply.

What is also so extraordinary about this conference is the ability to exchange ideas with so  many different scientific and nondual thinkers (the latter being a necessary contradiction) in a nourishing environment.

A Balance Of Informed Perspectives

I immediately found myself “entangled” with Wolfgang Baer, another attendee who teaches at the graduate level in Monterey and with a PhD in physics from Berkeley who believes he has discovered an energetic basis for consciousness in the binding energy of minute particles. From there I immediately found myself in an amazing panel discussion moderated by Cassandra Vieten, PhD, President and CEO of IONS, the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She first delivered an interesting discourse on the cycle of consciousness changing theories – from being seen as heretical and subversive to eventually either replacing or becoming absorbed into the conventional thought and mainstream of the times.

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