STO, STS, and Densities

stsMontalk – This article explains the system of “densities”, “Service-to-Self”, and “Service-to-Others” as discussed in the Ra Material and Cassiopaean Transcripts and shows how they relate to the occult concepts of the etheric and astral planes. Instead of summarizing what’s already been said, my aim here is more to provide new insights and resolve some common misunderstandings.

Why is the idea of “density” necessary?

Consider the following phenomena:

  • Elementary particles, such as electrons or protons, which display no sentience beyond fluctuating unpredictably at the quantum level.
  • Minerals, which exhibit a highly ordered structure, grow, reproduce, and can exhibit a subtle energy field.
  • Plants, which are alive, demonstrate a growth pattern toward light, and exhibit basic reflexive reactions to stimuli.
  • Bacteria, which are alive and show autonomous motion and rudimentary intelligence, more so than plants, minerals, or elementary particles.
  • Animals, which in the case of dogs, cats, elephants, dolphins, etc. show sentience, emotional sensitivity, memory, and a will to live.
  • Humans, who possess the capacity for self-reflection, self-awareness, self-determination.
  • Aliens, who demonstrate psychic powers and don’t seem to exist completely in our physical realm.
  • Cryptoids such as bigfoot, mothman, men-in-black, etc. who like aliens are not fully anchored in our realm.
  • Ghosts, who seem no more or less intelligent than humans and are simply lacking the physical body.
  • Astral beings ranging from basic parasites and critters to humanoid characters of hostile or benevolent natures.
  • Demons, who range from imp-like minions to chthonic overlords and are the personifications of evil, antilife, antispirit, darkness, and entropy.
  • Angels, who are completely nonphysical and demonstrate perfect congruence with divine ethics and can surgically edit our reality if divine intervention requires it.
  • Higher Self, which is stationed at the end of our personal spiritual evolution and reaches back/down through time to help its past/lower projections still immersed in the human experience.
  • Demiurge, the pseudo-intelligent soul or quantum field of the universe that sustains physical existence as we currently know it.
  • Positive and negative beings, whose existence indicates that a duality exists between those who choose to assist and those who choose to exploit others.
  • Infinite Creator, who is infinitely sentient and both permeates all of Creation and exists timelessly beyond it.

Now, organize these phenomena into a coherent framework that shows the relation among all its parts, and do this via the simplest system possible that accounts for all those parts. What you end up with is something like the density / STO / STS system. It is not the only possible interpretation, but it’s useful and provides a working framework. Continue reading

Service To Other (STO), Service To Self (STS), and Densities

densityMontalk – This article explains the system of “densities”, “Service-to-Self”, and “Service-to-Others” as discussed in the Ra Material and Cassiopaean Transcripts and shows how they relate to the occult concepts of the etheric and astral planes. Instead of summarizing what’s already been said, my aim here is more to provide new insights and resolve some common misunderstandings.

Why is the idea of “density” necessary?

Consider the following phenomena:

  • Elementary particles, such as electrons or protons, which display no sentience beyond fluctuating unpredictably at the quantum level.
  • Minerals, which exhibit a highly ordered structure, grow, reproduce, and can exhibit a subtle energy field.
  • Plants, which are alive, demonstrate a growth pattern toward light, and exhibit basic reflexive reactions to stimuli.
  • Bacteria, which are alive and show autonomous motion and rudimentary intelligence, more so than plants, minerals, or elementary particles.
  • Animals, which in the case of dogs, cats, elephants, dolphins, etc. show sentience, emotional sensitivity, memory, and a will to live.

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