Emergence Of Shadow DNA – Fifth Dimensional ‘Goldprint’

Polaris AB – Many will have noted physical, emotional and mental body changes taking place in which you may feel all is ‘coming apart’ as the bodyprojected forms of your Third Dimension focus begin to disintegrate within the collective consciousness.

However, these changes are beginning to move us through the vibrational frequency bands towards higher dimensional existence – it is not your current energetic body that you will be taking with you on your Ascension progress towards Light Body integration.

The Light frequencies required to merge with your Higher Self in a physical environment will not support the third density body that you currently reside in. Increases in photon and electro-magnetic energies through increased levels of background cosmic and solar non-ionizing radiation are the causes of excited cellular vibration.

This primarily results in physical tiredness, aches and pains, increased mucous blockages and discharges, loss of concentration, upsetting natural biorhythms, time displacement – all the current ‘ascension symptoms’ being experienced. The natural life cycle of cellular structures are vastly accelerated as a result. The cells cannot evolve fast enough to meet the increasing stresses imposed on them within the time periods being experienced. Continue reading