Are You Using the Power of Your Thoughts & Words for Good?

shamanismSusan Audrey – Most of us were told as children to think before we speak, but did you also learn to become aware of what you think?

Shamans believe we have the power to affect our bodies, minds, and souls –– and the plants, animals, and beings around us –– with our mere thoughts and words. We are all part of a great Web of Life.

And doing the inner work to become more aware of what we’re bringing to the world –– and how we may be affecting our lives and those of others –– is at the core of walking the shamanic path. Continue reading

Did Magic Mushrooms Send Santa & His Reindeer ‘Flying’? Investigating The Psychedelic Origins Of Christmas

santaJeff Roberts – As a child, the Christmas season always represented great things. The holiday cheer, the familial celebrations, and most exciting of all, presents. But as I grew into adulthood, the sparkling veil of the Christmas season soon revealed it’s true form – a religious-based, commercial lie meant to perpetuate consumerism and materialism.

I eventually let go of my jaded view of Christmas, and created my own meaning for the holiday season, which now saw the end of the year as a dedicated time to spend with the ones I love, and to reflect on the experiences and lessons of the previous year. Not that Christmas is the only time to do this, but let’s face it, life has a tendency to otherwise keep us preoccupied.

But recently my views on Christmas were challenged once again, after reading up on the pre-Christian history of Santa Claus and his ‘magical’ reindeer. I was shocked to hear a proposed theory of the story’s origins, which explained how Santa may have originally been a northern Eurasian shaman who used the psychedelic mushroom amanita muscaria, and that many of the well known Christmas symbols, such as the tree, the star, and the gifts, were actually inspired by esoteric practices involving the red and white magic mushroom.

A Siberian Shaman With A Bag Of Special ‘Gifts’

In his articleMagic Mushrooms May Explain Santa & His ‘Flying’ Reindeer, author Douglas Main explains how the story of Santa and his flying reindeer can be traced to an unlikely source: hallucinogenic or “magic” mushrooms. Speaking with John Rush, an anthropologist and instructor at Sierra College in Rocklin, California, Main learned more about Santa’s story.

“Santa is a modern counterpart of a shaman, who consumed mind-altering plants and fungi to commune with the spirit world,” said Rush.

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Kalika War Party: Reemergence Of The Warrior Class [Audio]

“John Lash has been a regular guest on Red Ice Radio since 2008, sharing the discoveries of his collective studies in the fields of directive and sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy, precession, the World Ages, belief systems, and his radical revision of Gnosticism” – H Palmgren


He has delved deeply into the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia and introduced the term Archon to the discourse of humanity. Mr. Lash returns to the program to announce the formation of the Kalika War Party, a band of self-selected men and women volunteers whose goal is “to strike offensively against all variations of the evil and corrupt system that works against life, truth, freedom, beauty, sanity, and the spirit of mutual aid.” Continue reading

Red Shambhala: The Dark Side of Tibetan Buddhism [Audio]

Red Ice Radio  May 26 2014

Andrei Znamenski studied history and anthropology both in Russia and the United States. Formerly a resident scholar at the Library of Congress, then a foreign visiting professor at Hokkaido University, Japan, he has taught at The University of Memphis and Alabama State University. His fields of interest include religions of indigenous people of Siberia and North America, shamanism, and esotericism.


Znamenski is the author of Shamanism and Christianity (1999), Through Orthodox Eyes (2003), Shamanism in Siberia (2003), The Beauty of the Primitive: Shamanism and Western Imagination (2007), and the editor of the three-volume anthology Shamanism: Critical Concepts (2004).

We’ll discuss the dark side of Tibetan Buddhism and what lies behind this seemingly peaceful religion. Continue reading

The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge

Deoxy | August 10 2012 | Thanks, Annette

Q&A with Jeremy Narby by Todd Stewart

Could you sum up your book “The Cosmic Serpent, DNA and the Origins of Knowledge”?

Research indicates that shamans access an intelligence, which they say is nature’s, and which gives them information that has stunning correspondences with molecular biology.

Your hypothesis of a hidden intelligence contained within the DNA of all living things is interesting. What is this intelligence?

Intelligence comes from the Latin inter-legere, to choose between. There seems to be a capacity to make choices operating inside each cell in our body, down to the level of individual proteins and enzymes. DNA itself is a kind of “text” that functions through a coding system called “genetic code,” which is strikingly similar to codes used by human beings. Some enzymes edit the RNA transcript of the DNA text and add new letters to it; any error made during this editing can be fatal to the entire organism; so these enzymes are consistently making the right choices; if they don’t, something often goes wrong leading to cancer and other diseases. Cells send one another signals, in the form of proteins and molecules. These signals mean: divide, or don’t divide, move, or don’t move, kill yourself, or stay alive. Any one cell is listening to hundreds of signals at the same time, and has to integrate them and decide what to do. How this intelligence operates is the question.

DNA has essentially maintained its structure for 3.5 billion years. What role does DNA play in our evolution?

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