8 Reptilian Traits In Human Beings

Gregg Prescott, M.S. – According to Sumerian legend, the Anunnaki genetically manipulated our genetics and created three versions of what we know as mankind, today.

The Anunnaki may have reptilian blood too, as they intermixed with their creations.

We don’t specifically know how our DNA was manipulated. What we DO know is that only 20 of the 64 codons in our DNA are active.

Imagine what you could do if ALL of your codons were activated? I address this idea in the article, “How Can We Change Our DNA Right Now?“.

Additionally, our human DNA differs dramatically from all other primates as we only have 46 chromosomes compared to 48 in other primates. The first two chromosomes appear to be fused together, which may explain part of the genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki.

In the following video, Sean David Morton talks about our chromosomes, reptilians and other galactic races:


The following are reptilian traits in human beings. You may recognize a few of them in you or someone you know. Please keep in mind that these are simply TRAITS and being partReptilian DOES NOT make you a bad person as there are good and bad people of all galactic (and planetary) races.

1. The Reptilian Brain

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