No One Escapes the Shift

currentZen Gardner – It’s such a remarkable time we’re living in right now. All of this going on both within and without us is happening almost before we can even begin to identify what it is we’re going through or where we’re headed. It’s very much like we’re flying over and around new rocks in the stream of life and shooting down even more unexpected and sometimes seriously daunting rapids.

There’s not much else to think about while body surfing this incredible current.

I’m hearing from so many this sense of being in limbo and having to deal with unforeseen and quite immediate obstacles and issues that seem to be draining their time, attention and energy. Things arise in all of our lives that have to be dealt with, but so often the next move or decision seems to escape our awareness and it can make us feel confused and powerless.

It’s certainly not a time to make rash decisions. In fact, it’s important to stand back, observe and wait for the answers to manifest as much as possible. In the words of Ponka Chief White Eagle:

“When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists — as it surely will. Then act with courage.”

Our Strange Convergence

We all like to know where we’re headed at any given time. In less turbulent times this is usually possible to some degree and we’re used to having that luxury. But it’s becoming a lot more difficult. We’re being swept into new and exciting places with some sort of cosmic urgency.

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, August 7, 2015

“Colorado mountains” – photo by Marie

Third Quarter Moon in Taurus: revise, complete

Goddess of Wisdom: Dhumavati (Goddess Who Closes and Completes)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South, God of the Field of Experience)

Skill: remain aligned with the value and respect for life

Catalysts for Change: harsh judgment of self or others, frustrated by the ignorance or lack of understanding of others, seeing only one’s own point of view and disregarding others’, idealizing the past, old battles in the mind, bossy, exploiting a situation for personal gain at the expense of others, reacting in an old way, self-punishment, inability to accept good

True Alignments: revelations, resolution of contracts/agreements/promises, caring for others, things becoming unstuck, recovery, renewal, insecurities being improved and fears resolved, standing up for others, taking personal responsibility, bringing air to situations, organizing, improvement of systems and practices

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Third Quarter Moon phase is the time of the lunar month when we look back to the New Moon phase, see how the energy has manifested, and make any revisions or adjustments that need to be made to complete or advance things.

The New Moon phase of this lunar cycle was July 15-19. Think back to what was transpiring in your life then. The energetics of “a woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas” began to unfold then. In the outer world, this manifested in complex relationship dynamics and interactions. In the inner world, our feelings and intentions tried to find unity and peace. Continue reading

Left Behind

Spiritual Dynamics October 13 2013

You might ask the question, “What if some people simply don’t want to go through The Shift and leave their old lifestyle behind?” What if they prefer to stay immersed in “them against us” dramas or even “me against the world” dramas?

Humanity was created so that we can find our way back home to the source from which we originally came. God didn’t just create humanity and leave us to fend for ourselves. There is a cosmic plan for the enlightenment of humanity and, true to our gift of self-determination, no one is forced to progress any faster than they choose.

The Shift isn’t just about the planet Earth. Our planet, our solar system, and our section of the universe are about to make a quantum jump in frequency. There will come a mass ascension day when the Earth will rise in vibration and take with her all who are ready to function in heart-centered consciousness.

That is the requirement – ready for heart-centered consciousness – and, surprising to some, you don’t have to be religious or spiritual to make the grade! A caring person who supports others with little thought for themselves is a heart-centered person. A person who promotes ecology out of care for the Earth is also expressing unselfish, unconditional love when they don’t expect anything particular in return for their efforts and concerns.

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