Are We Heading Into The Matrix?

Are We Heading Into The Matrix?Patrick Wood – Few people really truly experienced the passage from modernity into post-modernity (1970- 2023). Incremental changes in how we view reality obscured the journey and left many with empty-headed thoughts of “Wherever you go, there you are.”

However, there were those who carefully watched the parade go by and left behind plenty of history and analysis for us to examine, like evangelical Christian philosopher Francis Shaffer (How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, 1976), futurist Alvin Toffler (Future Shock, 1971), and French philosopher Jean Baudrillard (Simulacra and Simulation, 1981). Continue reading

Reality Is Escaping Out The Back Door

Reality Is Escaping Out The Back DoorPatrick Wood – There’s a big word that you can add to your vocabulary: Simulacrum. It is a hard word to wrap your head around, but one you are not too likely to forget. Indeed, you should not forget it!

Collins defines it as: “1) an image; likeness; 2) a vague representation; semblance; 3) a mere pretense; sham.”

Cambridge Dictionary says: “something that looks like or represents something else”. Continue reading