Resurrection from the Shadow Intervention Simulation

Resurrection from the Shadow Intervention SimulationOpen – Leading alternative commentators maintain humanity is trapped within a ‘simulation’ of reality, by a Shadow Intervention controlling our planet and its resources. I largely concur with this, although let’s be clear, the 3D world is real, it’s not a computer simulation.

Instead, the wool of perception is being pulled down over the psyche from the 4D by a sophisticated architect. The balance of energies are shifting. The simulation is weakening. Here’s what you can do to support the resurrection of humanity and our planet. Continue reading

Do We Live In A Simulation? 

Alcuin and Flutterby – The device you are reading this on looks real, doesn’t it? Tap it with your finger. It feels real too. Kiss the screen lightly with your lips. Yes, it’s really there. Lips never lie, do they?

If you think like this, you probably also think that you are living in a base reality. Look around you. You seem to live in a real place which actually exists in physical reality and occupies a demonstrable physical location which can be visited by others, looked at through binoculars and trodden underfoot, sometimes with a crunchy noise. Continue reading

Do We Live in a Matrix?

Zeeya Merali – In the 1999 sci-fi film classic The Matrix, the protagonist, Neo, is stunned to see people defying the laws of physics, running up walls and simulationvanishing suddenly. These superhuman violations of the rules of the universe are possible because, unbeknownst to him, Neo’s consciousness is embedded in the Matrix, a virtual-reality simulation created by sentient machines.

The action really begins when Neo is given a fateful choice: Take the blue pill and return to his oblivious, virtual existence, or take the red pill to learn the truth about the Matrix and find out “how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

Physicists can now offer us the same choice, the ability to test whether we live in our own virtual Matrix, by studying radiation from space. As fanciful as it sounds, some philosophers have long argued that we’re actually more likely to be artificial intelligences trapped in a fake universe than we are organic minds in the “real” one.

But if that were true, the very laws of physics that allow us to devise such reality-checking technology may have little to do with the fundamental rules that govern the meta-universe inhabited by our simulators. To us, these programmers would be gods, able to twist reality on a whim.

So should we say yes to the offer to take the red pill and learn the truth — or are the implications too disturbing?

Worlds in Our Grasp

The first serious attempt to find the truth about our universe came in 2001, when an effort to calculate the resources needed for a universe-size simulation made the prospect seem impossible.

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New Study: Are We All Living In The Future Now? February 14 2013

Bonn UniversityA recent Bonn University study suggests we may all be living in a virtual simulation. If a pixel-lattice that forms the background of this universe is presenting us with an all-encompassing “television picture” of reality, then the whole space-time continuum could be a rigorously designed artifact.

But another study, this one using a small number of meditators, pushes our understanding even further.

Dean Radin, the author of two groundbreaking books on controlled paranormal experiments, The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds, spoke at a January conference, Electric Universe, in New Mexico. He described his recent pilot study on time and precognition.

A small group of advanced meditators who use the “non-dual” technique, were tested. While meditating, they were subjected to random interruptions: a flash of light and a beeping sound. Measuring their brain activity, Radin found that significant brain changes occurred BEFORE the light flashes or the beeps.

A control group of non-meditators were tested in exactly the same way, but their brain measurements revealed NO such changes.

In other words, the brains of the meditators anticipated the timing of the unpredictable interruptions.

The future was registering now. This, of course, opens up another way of thinking about time.

Serial time, the idea that, in this continuum, we experience a smooth progression of moments, with the present becoming, so to speak, the future, is the conventional view. But suppose that is a grossly limiting and sketchy premise?

Suppose that, for those who can be aware of it, the future is bleeding into the present? It is making an impact “before it happens.”

The non-dual method of meditation seeks to eliminate walls between “now and then, you and I, here and there.” It has also been studied by Zoran Josipovic (New York University). In 2012, Josipovic and colleagues found that, for non-dual meditators, two areas of the cerebral cortex, loosely labeled “external” and “intrinsic,” shifted their operating basis.

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Is The Universe A Computer Simulation? [Video] February 6 2013

A recent scientific study undertaken by the University of Bonn in Germany suggests that the universe could be one giant computer simulation.

Cosmic rays offer clue our universe could be a computer simulation –

‘The idea we live in a simulation isn’t science fiction’ –…

The Measurement That Would Reveal The Universe As A Computer Simulation –…

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave