The Sinclair Fake News Debacle Is a Big, Juicy Nothingburger

Thomas Wheatley – The national press is outraged after a video surfaced revealing Sinclair Broadcast Group’s decision to have its local news anchors read a scripted announcement about accuracy in journalism.

So what’s the big deal?

Sure, there’s something unnerving about seeing local TV anchors across the country reciting a scripted message in unison.  But that’s more of a testament to the power of effective video editing than anything else.  Any group chant can be painted as creepy (like when these celebrities pledged to “be a servant to” President Obama), as can any video.

Nor am I concerned with reporters saying something with which they personally disagree.  Most journalists in their career, at one point or another, have received instructions from higher-ups on what to cover and how – maybe even instructions they didn’t like. Continue reading