The United Kingdom’s Cautionary Socialized Medicine Tale

Great BritainSarah Lee and Charlie Katebi – As Vermont senator Bernie Sanders (I) continues to tout the so-called benefits of “Medicare for All” — despite its exorbitant costs and the fact that the next generation of progressive socialists have no idea how they’re going to pay for it — the United States would do well to look across the pond to see exactly what socialized medicine will bring: rationed care, scarce resources, and doctor visits that could include you and 14 strangers.

According to reports, the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), championed by progressives as the paragon of socialized medicine, is intending to include in its upcoming 10-year plan a scheme that will effectively mandate group primary care visits, which could include as many as 15 patients meeting with one general practitioner (GP) at a time. Continue reading