Skellig Michael – Lord Of The Ring

Ireland’s Ring of Kerry

James  Tyberonn – Ireland’s Ring of Kerry is beyond magical. Its verdant, rugged beauty is dotted with amazing landscapes, stone circles and myriad potent Neolithic sites. But Skellig Michael, the mystical, monastic island named after Archangel Michael, is undeniably ‘Lord of the Ring.’

Holy of Holies

skellig The small jagged island of Skellig Michael is the point on the earth plane in which many purport the renowned Michael ley line enters Gaia. On this pyramidal island, the Michael ley line begins its sacred trek across Britain and Europe, ending at Mount Carmel in the Holy Land of Israel. How interesting that it begins on this otherworldly little island off the Ring of Kerry. How interesting, indeed.

It was, in fact, through researching the Michael ley line that I first learned of Skellig Michael. The very concept of this ancient monastery crowning this isolated rock, 13 kilometers off Ireland’s shore, is a stunning enigma. The actual genesis is biblical in proportion. Inspired monks receiving and obeying a divine decree from an archangel to sail out and build a monastery on bare rock carries shades of the exodus of Moses.

This location equals, no, surpasses, the sites of the other two great monastic centers in Western Europe that were also built per Archangel Michael’s inspiration – Mont St. Michel in Normandy and St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, which are triangulated with Skellig.

It is interesting and fitting that historians and pilgrims alike are interested in the three ‘Michael’ islands for connected yet succinctly differing reasons. All three are islands of archeological interest for the academic. And metaphysically, all three islands anchor the Michael portal of the Michael ley line, and connect to its amazing telluric thread as it weaves its divine tapestry onto the Earth.

Islands on which manifestations of Archangel Michael appeared and inspired holy men to come and live on bare rock for over 1,500 years led me to suspect Skellig to be one of those rarified grid-points that coexist in multiple dimensions. So I was compelled to investigate and experience this for myself.

Tyb’s Journal: Quest to Skellig Michael

When I landed at Ireland’s Shannon Airport, Irish skies were smiling! It had rained all the week prior to my arrival, but the skies were clearing and the sun was beaming through mist on my disembarkation. The weather would remain brilliant for my entire four-day trip. Luck of the Irish indeed! Continue reading

Parallels of Omni Earth – The Kingdom of Fae

Earth Keeper Newsletter | May 6 2012

Elementals, Unicorns & Dragons

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light!

I greet you in a vector of Love, Unconditional Love. We gather this joyous moment to embrace you and to honor you. What an amazing year unfolds before you. Indeed it is a heralded time, that you have waited eons to participate within ! It is the year of the Ascension ! Take time to feel the joyous energy we send you, from all corners of the Omni-Verse, from every aspect of the Cosmos.

Dear Hearts, we are asked to speak this day on a myriad of fascinating topics. Of the Omni-Earth, the parallels of Earth, and that termed the Elemental Kingdom. We speak of thyme incredible vortex of Skellig Michael, and of the Firmament anchor of Newgrange. We speak of the land of the Goddess and Fae.

The Kingdom of the FAE

We begin with the Skellig Michael Vortex, of Ireland, and of the FAE. Masters, one of the delightful & differentiating aspects of experiencing Ireland is the remarkably unique visual interfacing with incredibly light and delightful beings, the Kingdom of the Fae, the Faerie and Devic.

Certain parts of the world have a somewhat differing type of elementals. Only the few vectors on the planet that project what may be termed the ‘full-spectra energy field’ have the full quality & quantity of the entire Fae Kingdom. Fewer still of these have the energetic lens that enables humankind to more tangible ‘see’ and interact with these beings.

Ireland, more than any other area on the planet, has the greatest variety and populace of the Faerie and Elfin Kingdoms, and that those in Ireland are far more interactive with humans. That is precisely why so many rich folklores of the Devic exist in Ireland.

There are indeed rich & diverse pockets of Devic Beings that timelessly inhabit the green hills and river valleys of Ireland. Although much of Britain and parts of Europe and your planet have similar pockets, the Devic Kingdom in Ireland is more tangible, more lucid, more fully expressed than most areas of your planet… and can thus be more vividly experienced.

As a result of the unique energies present, there is available in Ireland the experience of not only seeing the Devic in lucidity for confirming periods of time, there is also the absolutely awareness of a communication, a knowledge that they are interacting with you. And so we speak of the parallel, the concentric dimensional overlay and the realm of Etherium, matter, and antimatter, the realm of the Angelic, and the Devic.

Masters, the Ascension is not only occurring on the material Earth, but also its parallels. The alignment into the Galactic center is also causing a tremendous increase in the flow of charged ionic energy, that termed antimatter-plasma into the planetary poles.

The Parallels of Earth exist in the resonance of anti matter, and within antimatter is an enormous spectra of unimaginable energy. In 2012, there will be an expansion of dimensional parallels that allow for much greater perception of higher frequency fields. We share with you a great Truth that may confuse some of you, and that is that the interface of the Angelic Realm to the human material realm is the antimatter field, and the antimatter plasmic composition of that field is what you term the ‘Parallel or Omni Earth’.

Indeed the interfaces from your etheric body via the chakric system are in a sense focal particle accelerators that have open cones into the field of antimatter. This is something that will become known to humans within the next few generations. You often refer to antimatter as dark matter. In truth and irony, that you term dark matter actually carries greater light and holds higher frequency than physical matter.

Only specific crysto-electromagnetic fields are capable of holding antimatter plasma, and indeed antimatter has varying layers or dimensions of intensity. Your developed Mer-Ka-Na field is indeed capable of holding this energy, and transporting you within it. And we add, that your core existence is in the realm thought of as anti-matter, indeed it is your home before entering into the duality of physical matter.

Pangaea – Pre Human Earth

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Newgrange ~ Infinity Point Of The New Firmament

Earth Keeper Newsletter | March 23 2012

Mechanics & Function of the Global Leyline System 


Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! I embrace each of you in light, in love.

And now another precious moment brings us together, uniting thoughts within the matrix of the unified field. Combining geometric thought patterns with desire, with awareness, and so do all things come together in the same way. For all thoughts, all things, all beings are electromagnetic representations of consciousness, of manifestation, of all that ever was or ever will be.

Masters, we have spoken in many channels of the amazing qualities of the Living Earth. And we tell you that no matter how you live and love upon the Earth, you gain, you expand by exploring the majesty and wisdom of Gaia. You will not marvel about the grandeur of your planet until you experience its beauty. You will marvel at the brilliance truly contained within the Earth and delight in the vast libraries of knowledge within the multi-faceted Beingness of Gaia.

Every lifetime you have is an opportunity to explore and discover what dwells within. Upon the earth, the soul fulfills this promise by the outward movement of the in-dwelling spirit.

Ireland – The Emerald & Amethyst

Ireland contains some of the most powerful, sacred and re-generative energies on the planet. It is appropriately called the Emerald Isle because of its vibrant green hills and valleys, which indeed exude a tangible field of healing and well-being. Be aware that these incredible healing hues occur because of the life force generated in the lands.

Ireland is a very unique and very succinct frequency. There are several known locations of what is termed ‘negative gravity’ anomalies on what is termed the Emerald Isle. These ‘lighten’ the frequency and somewhat aid in its soft and gentle expression.

It is in fact the plant life, waters and sea that team with the incredible telluric energies and create the very soft, the ‘Feminine’ aspect so beautifully expressed in Ireland. These energies blend with the gravity anomaly vectors to transduce what would otherwise be a very intense energy, for it is indeed among the highest frequencies on the planet.

As such there are many locales of what is locally termed ‘ thin veils’ referring to dimensional portals dotting the landscape in Ireland. Worlds and dimensions tangibly co-exist, and vividly so in Ireland. That is why the Kingdom of the Fae, the Devic realm of Faeries, Elves and Leprechauns are so illustriously recounted among Irish lore. This actual realm does indeed present itself with great and greater visibility precisely because of the higher concentration of life force present.

And so we will say that while the energy of the Green Ray, the Emerald Field is quite predominate, the Violet Ray of the Amethyst is equally present. The lavender granites and violet magenta quartz of the sandstones create an incredible field that invokes imagination, artistry, creativity and spiritual seeking.

All of these blend & meld harmoniously throughout Ireland to form a most benevolent field, a ‘frequencial cocktail’ of extremely high yet balanced energy in Ireland. The seeker can find balance and well being in this joyful resonance of life force.

It is an energy that empowers will and independence, but within a grounded humility of nurturing. It is that of the Powerful Goddess, in your vernacular. The strength that is caring.

Much of Ireland is granitic (35% quartz) and sandstone quartzite. There are also crystalline emanations from the metamorphic strata, dating back in linear terms over 1.7 billion years. All metamorphic structures are crystalline, you see.

It is important also to note, that the land mass of Ireland was on the same latitude as Egypt some 250 million years ago, as your geologists acknowledge, and much of the sandstone carries the same ‘quartzitic’ piezo-electric vibrational resonance as that of Giza and Aswan. And that is a sacred energy. There is in fact a harmonic oscillation, an axialtonal line and Leyline connecting Newgrange to Giza. Newgrange is also connected to the Toltec Mounds of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.

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