CS:GO Skin Gambling is 100% Legal – Here’s Why

skin bettingHave you ever heard of CS: Global Offensive players making money by trading electronic skins? This practice has been around for quite a few years now, and it continues to be the center of debate among many gamers. Some have shared stories of making a fortune, while others say that there’s no real money that can be had. There’s also the issue about the legality of skin gambling in this particular game. There are many factors to consider here, so let’s explore each one of them.

The History of (Electronic) Skin Gambling

Unless you’re an avid player of CS:GO, you may not be familiar with how skin gambling exactly works. It’s a fairly recent development, having started in 2013 after the makers of CS:GO released the Arms Deal Update. They consider it one of the most important updates ever, but it has since spurred a practice that continues to be frowned upon by countless gamers today. Continue reading