There Seems to be Growing Concern About Biological Attacks: What Do They Know That We Don’t?

smallpoxDaisy Luther – One thing I have learned after being involved in alternative journalism for all these years is that coincidences often lead toward some concrete event. Recently, some coincidences I have noticed have been related to biological attacks.

It’s always rather subtle but there are definitely patterns that can sometimes lead up to large, horrifying events. Now, the good news is that this is not always the case. Sometimes, there are genuinely unrelated events that mean absolutely nothing. But, I still believe it’s important to pay attention, don’t you?

It’s important to note that biological attacks are nothing new.

•  In 2001, the anthrax attacks through the U.S. mail infected 11 people with inhalational anthrax, of which five died. An additional 11 people were infected with cutaneous (skin) anthrax, of which there were no fatalities. Continue reading

Global vaccine cartel wreaks destruction: the evidence

smallpoxJonathan Turley – Massive vaccine damage, hidden.

Put these two public-health agency statements up against each other:

Don’t give this vaccine to people whose immune systems are weak, because dire consequences would follow.

We gave this vaccine to 100 million people, millions of whom had weak immune systems, and it was a glorious success, one of the greatest achievements in the history of modern medicine.

Doesn’t add up, does it? Across a population of 100 million people, widespread harm and death would have occurred.

Read on, and follow the inexorable logic. Continue reading