Smart Meters: What Consumers Can Do To Get Them Removed

…[B]y enabling two-way, real-time communications, smart meters can give customers the information they need to control their own energy use and reduce their electricity cost,” so said Jim Marston, a ‘smart meter’ supporter with the Environmental Defense Fund. [1] [CJF emphasis added]

That, obviously, is only one part of the serious issues regarding electromagnetic energy technology known as ‘Smart Meters’. So, if SMs can communicate information out of your house, what is it sending and to whom, especially if it’s transmitted via microwaves? Hopefully—or, is it only theory—that moment-by-moment surveillance data cannot be intercepted by anyone, including burglars or other identity thieving individuals. Regardless, there are serious doubts about that information’s security and risks. Moreover, there are dubious and rightful concerns that the information generated within every ‘smart-metered’-home is being sold to special interest commodity producers as ‘leads’ for their merchandising campaigns!

As far as enabling the reduction of electricity costs for consumers, everyone complains that since a ‘smart meter’ was placed on their house, their electric bills have DOUBLED! So much for transparency and truth-in-advertising! Remember when consumers were sold a bill of goods that nuclear-power-generated electricity would be so cheap, that it wouldn’t have to be metered? [2] Continue reading

Smart Tyranny: How To Resist The Smart Grid [Video]

corbettreport  February 25 2014

Smart technology represents less of a breakthrough in power distribution and more of a revolution in complete, constant, panopticon-like surveillance of everyone. As these smart technologies begin to invade our homes, we are becoming mere nodes in a giant network that we yet but dimly comprehend.


Called the “Internet of Things,” the plan is to create a network that will eventually include every single object on the planet. And as the public is finally becoming aware, such networks provide golden opportunities for corporations and governments alike to collect data and spy on the population.


Power Takeover: What’s Wrong With “Smart” Meters?

“Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”

EnergyOn January 17, 2008, President Obama famously said, “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” It’s now becoming evident that the new so-called “smart” meter your utility is attempting to force on you, is the culprit technology for the government-sponsored extortion that Obama was referring to. But this is just the beginning of a hornet’s nest of alarming details unveiled in our new documentary, Take Back Your Power (now available at the Infowars shop).

Billions of tax dollars… no benefits?

In a time of economic crisis, the US government allocated $11B of taxpayer funds from the 2009 bailout package to develop a “smart” grid, including “smart” meters for every home’s electricity, gas and water.  And recently, the European Union has announced plans to blow a mind-numbing $700B on building out this centralized control grid. The ostensible reasons for “smart” metering and grid technology:

a) to save energy and thus aid the environment;
b) to increase power reliability; and
c) to give you more control of energy use in your own home.

It is now easily demonstrated that all three of these claims are patently false. ”Smart” meters and grids typically use more energy, they are extremely hackable (making the entire power grid vulnerable), and customers suffer increased utility bills virtually across the board immediately following a “smart” meter installation – a fact even acknowledged now by some utilities.

In the words of Dr. Timothy Schoechle, a leading digital technology engineer and author of “Getting Smarter About The Smart Grid:”

“The smart meter is a canard—a story or a hoax based on specious and grandiose claims about energy benefits ostensibly derived from the promise of “two-way” communication with the customer…  There is essentially no possibility that most smart meters or meter networks will lead to greater sustainability.”

Clear evidence of health damage

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Stop Smart Meters! ~ Joshua Hart [Audio]

Redice Creations | December 17 2011

EnergyJoshua Hart is Director of Stop Smart Meters! He has worked in the energy industry, as a transportation planner, environmental advocate, and freelance journalist. Growing out of the grassroots group Scotts Valley Neighbors Against Smart Meters, started in June 2010, Stop Smart Meters! has now evolved into an advocacy, media outreach, and direct action organization providing activism consultation and advice to dozens of local groups sprouting up who are fighting the wireless ‘smart’ meter assault.

We’ll discuss how the smart meter debacle is a huge threat to our health, safety, privacy, and wallet. Also, how it is an opportunity for spying, centralized power and corporate control. Joshua tells us why Smart Meters are a false solution to the green movement. He’ll get into the specifics of how these meters operate. We will talk about the dangers of wireless technology, the smart grid propaganda and the inappropriate ways utility companies are demanding and enforcing the installations of these meters. Later, Joshua tells us about a utility company that has been spying, following and attempting to get info from his organization as though it is a military operation.

Listen to interview here