Reasons to Smile

smileCheryl Richardson – My friend Nanna introduced me to an interesting practice. She said she was taking note of the activities and experiences that made her smile so she could give them more space in her life.

Well that’s an excellent idea, I thought to myself, so I started keeping track of what made me smile, too. It’s a revealing exercise. Here’s some of what I’ve discovered…

I smile when I see my husband Michael whether it’s first thing in the morning or when he unexpectedly walks into a room. Continue reading

There Is Always a Reason to Smile

reason to smilePaul Lenda – Even if it’s hiding amid a pile of pain, we can always  find something that will shift us into a positive state of mind. There is always a reason to smile.

I know it may seem like the world is falling apart, but you can also look at it from the perspective that it’s in the process of deep healing.

You can smile at the fact that there is a mass awakening to the reality that the way society operates does not currently lead to everyone thriving. It does not nurture the continued personal and collective evolution that could lead to extraordinary leaps in conscious evolution. It needs to fail and disintegrate, and the quicker, the better. Continue reading

The Power of Smile, The Always On-Trend Fashion Accessory

Image Source: Pexels

It’s pretty incredible how far a smile can get you in life. Whether it’s for that customer who’s yelling in your face or to that homeless person in the street, smiling can have a magical effect on people’s hearts and souls.

You don’t do it because you have to; you do it because you want to, and it shows in how people react to a person genuinely being warm and friendly enough to smile. Forget the fact that it’s good for your health and your body. Smiling is classy, and it’s pretty much an always trendy accessory to whatever you’re wearing. The truth is, no outfit is complete without that wide grin that lights the room. Yet, it also has so much more power than that.

You look younger

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Things Happy People Do Before Getting Out of Bed Every Morning

lifePaul Lenda – You just woke up and are ready to get out of your bed and start your day. Why not bring some mindfulness into life from the moment you  get lucid?

These five things you can do before getting out of bed are  so simple and easy to add to your daily routine yet so effective that it begs the question – why we weren’t doing them before? You’ll soon discover that they will create a sense of mindfulness, elevate your state of mind and put you in the right space  to be happy and successful at whatever you set out to do. Continue reading

Instant Karma

lifeOwen K Waters – Karma, in the popular view, is often perceived as the bogeyman of Eastern philosophy, as the stick that punishes you for doing the wrong thing. In reality it is much simpler than that, and it carries no judgmental overtone at all.

Karma is simply reflectance. Reflectance is a property of the universe. Therefore, life reflects what you project. This principle of reflectance or karma states that life reflects your beliefs, emotions and actions. The stronger these are, the more apparent it becomes that life is a mirror of whatever you project. Continue reading