Donald Trump’s Thin Ice

American Liberty Report – As President Donald Trump works through his first weeks and months in office, a possible danger to his administration may be emerging: popular discontent. Although it’s been known for some time, Trump’s potential biggest obstacle may be none other than himself.

trumpRather than attempting to assuage people’s anger at him and his actions, Trump has taken off the gloves; it’s almost as if he’s daring voters to try to conduct an impeachment campaign, as progressive filmmaker, activist and perennial nutjob Michael Moore has sworn to do.

In essence, Trump is being vintage Trump — combative, mean-spirited at times and unwilling to yield any quarter in his long-running battle with the Democrats. But from a man who went to military school, his behavior is a bit odd; classic military strategy is to let your enemy’s strength dissipate and fade before taking bold and decisive action; the worst time to be combative is when your enemy is at the peak of their strength and organization.

Indeed, the Democrats are in a very tense state right now, still smarting from their deep wounds in November 2016’s election when they lost not only the presidency, but failed to regain the Senate, the House and the majority of governorships as well. Instead of letting the Democrats “cool off,” and mutter about their mistakes, it’s as if Trump is daring them to pull a hidden can of spinach from somewhere and go full Popeye.

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