The DIE Road Leads to Gaza

The DIE Road Leads to GazaJohn Green – What happens when generations of children are reared to view others as less than human, unworthy of basic human rights? It creates a dysfunctional society, which has lost any sense of morality. It’s a society in which rape, torture, kidnapping, and the wanton murder of innocents is met not with moral outrage, but with celebration.

It’s a society incapable of coexisting with others, because its values have diverged from anything considered “civilized.” When such a society is created, it must either subdue others around it or be subdued itself. There can be no negotiated peace when one side of a conflict refuses to acknowledge the inherent humanity of the other side. There can be only a winner, a loser, or perpetual conflict. Continue reading

Beating the Balrog

Beating the BalrogDee Chadwell – Time was when we could look at our political differences and see those differences as just a wrinkle in the cloth of society. We could look at our religious variances as mere quirks — most people recognized God in one way or another.

No more. Something really dreadful is happening. We are not experiencing ordinary variations in opinion; we’re experiencing war in every area of our society. We can no longer “agree to disagree” and expect our society to be there when we wake up in the morning. We’ve slid into a Tolkeinesque nightmare deep in the mines of Moria. There is a way out, but we’re going to have to fight the Balrog to get there. Continue reading

Amairikuhn Edgykayshun And The Menstrual Equality Act

restroomsJoseph P Farrell – Yes, you read that headline correctly. An institution of “high learning”  in Amairikuhn quackademia has decided that menstrual equality needs to be promoted on its campus(note, I said “high”, not “higher”, because I strongly suspect the people behind this idea – and I’m using the term “people” loosely here – were high when they proposed it).

And, lest one leap to what would be under normal circumstances a rational conclusion and believe that this is happening in some explosion of bloviation at Harvard square, the Rockefailure University of Chicago, or the quackademies of Nuttyfornia, think again, for not to be outdone in edublithering lunacy, a quackademy in the Amairikuhn heartland has decided that the absence of access to menstruation products in men’s lavatories could, in fact, be construed as an offense and injustice to transgendered women using the men’s restrooms on the campus of the “University” of Arkansas’ Fayetteville campus, according to this story shared by K.M.: Continue reading