Working with the Solar Logos to Support Evolutionary Shift

Working with the Solar Logos to Support Evolutionary ShiftOpen – The Main News of our Planet at this Historic Juncture is that we’re sailing into a Grand Galactic Convergence of cosmic cycles that are progressively escalating their impact on all life here. At this time, too few are taking notice, due to the rampant distractions of a society gone crazy.

But rather than ignoring the grand movement of celestial bodies like the Sun, the Solar Logos, we can positively work with them to activate and integrate soul, and most importantly, to restore orientation in our lives to provide meaning and purpose. Continue reading

Astral Reconstruction

astral reconstructionLisa Renee – During the annual May alignments of Taurus, the planet undergoes what is called its electrical peak cycle which is generally during mid-May. This is the pinnacle wave of electrical force field transmission in the annual cycle of moving through the path of the Sun’s annual motion relative to the constellations of stars. As such, this time is the annual period of the most potent Ascension wave during which many people will experience kundalini activation, spiritual awakening or a rapid consciousness expansion of their perception, as they are being exposed to increased electromagnetism and solar transmissions conducted throughout the planetary grid network

Recent events are revealing that the planetary architecture is enduring a massive Astral Reconstruction which has impacts on dissolving the veils of 3D reality, while the controlling forces are doing all they can to block or destroy these solar elements from awakening the masses. Continue reading