Do not judge or preconceive the way things should be

A Thought, A Way of Life, and a ‘Sanctuary of Truth ‘Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – As we enter our solar summer be aware that you are truly being given an opportunity to become a vessel of healing and love holding a Great Celestial Light that is magnified and streaming within our solar structure. This summer comes in the form of many concealed learnings that are unfolding long forgotten truths.

As the energy of Gemini duels with itself until solar summer is birthed on the solstice, we all feel pulled in every direction, like a whirlwind, surrounded by dust devils, escorted by a hurricane, everything comes to distract us from what is truly important. The dark and the light of the astrological twins demands that we make peace with the darkness within and the darkness without. Continue reading

Solstice Energies & The Ongoing Expansion

Solstice Energies & The Ongoing Expansion

Ailia Mira – Living now on Earth is an expanding experience. New frequencies of light, new templates of what can be received as perception, idea and experience, are flowing into your planetary field and accessible to you, through resonance.

The inner fields of light are also expanding, bringing you into greater resonance with your vaster wholeness a field of infinite light. Your own field opens up as you are in a more open relationship to your embodied experience.

Inner healing paves the way for ease and joy in this expansion

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